Sunday, January 26, 2020
Trends in Fast Food Consumption
Trends in Fast Food Consumption Fast food is food which is prepared and served at a fast-food restaurant or shop at low cost. Fast food is often processed and prepared in an industrial fashion (i.e., with standard ingredients and methodical cooking and production method). It is served usually in bags or cartoons in a manner in order to save costs. Fast food outlets often provide take-away food in addition to a dine-in service. Drive-through, could be found in some fast food restaurant, allow food to be ordered and delivered without leaving the car to speed up the service. Fast food is usually finger food that can be eaten quickly and without cutlery needed (using bare hand). Fast food often offers fish and chip, sandwiches, hamburger, french fries, chicken nuggets, pizza, and ice cream. Moreover, many fast food restaurants offer some other easily consumed choices like, mashed potato, or salads. Chinese cuisine, although the food could be served as take-away, is not always a fast food. Because of its convenience, fast food is successfully popular in most modern society; however, it is often criticized for having alleged shortcoming, for example: It has poor nutritive value, It contributes to obesity, It uses exploitative advertising and marketing. The unhealtiness of fast food, pointing one, comes from cooking method. Fast food tends to be deep-fried which resulting high amount of fats and calories. To illustrate this complaints, the documentary film Super Size Me, had the director eat nothing but McDonalds without exercise within 30days. Due to the combination of food and lack of exercise, his health was impacted. In order to overcome those health issues, some of the largest fast food chains are beginning to incorporate healthier alternatives, adding salads and fruits to their menus. However, some people are unbelieving about this, seeing it as tokenistic and commercial measure, rather than appropriate reaction about peoples health. The rapid growth of the fast food industry during the last decade has added another dimension to the change in food consumption pattern of Malaysians. The Westernisation of global eating habits, make possible through food imports, fast food and rising consumption of sugars and animals fats, is often blamed for the rising epidemic of obesity and associated chronic disease (Gopalan C. 1992). The fast food industry in Malaysia had a sizzling growth throughout most of the 1990s. The total sales were RM1 billion (US$ 263million) in 1997 increasing to RM 1,3 billion (US$ 340 million) in 2000(The Edge, 2001). Some of the major fast food companies in Malaysia and their estimated sales for the year 2000 are shown in table 1. Table 1 Fast food companies in Malaysia a selected list Brand (origin) Year established Number of outlets Market share(%) Sales (US$million)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ KFC (USA) 1973 294 45 152.3 McDonalds (USA) 1982 141 30 92.0 Pizza Hut (USA) 1984 85 8 31.6 A W (USA) 1961 44 4 19.1 Marrybrown (local) 1981 88 4 NA Sugar Bun (local) 1981 45 * 9.5 Kenny Roger (USA) 1994 25 * 9.5 *all others combined = 9% à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ US$ 1.00 = RM 3.80 NA not available. Source : The EDGE. (2001) Still sizzling? Survey Guide, pp. 59-63 Psychologically, adults develop their independence, and try and fit into their social circle. Peer and working pressure may cause them to choose soft drinks instead of milk, skipping meals because of their duties. Adults want to develop independence and make choices for themselves (they choose what and where to eat and drink). Truswell AS (ABC of Nutrition, 1999) has suggested the following eating behaviour as common in adults, such as, skipping meals (being on a diet), eating snack, consuming high amount of fast food, consuming convenience food, drinking high amount of alcohol and soft drinks. Trends in Food Consumption Income and population, coupled with changes in lifestyle to one of urbanisation, have increased the demand for food and convinced changes in food habits, food purchasing, and consumption patterns (Noor MI, 2002). Food balance sheet data are useful to indicate trends of food intake pattern rather than consumption per se in the absence of nation-wide food consumption surveys. The intake pattern of calories increased from 2430 kcal person-1 day -1 in 1961 to 2990 kcal person-1 day-1 in 1997, protein from 49g person-1 day-1 to 61g person-1 day-1, and fat from 49g person-1 day-1 to 87g person-1 day-1 (Food and Agriculture Organization, (1961-1997)). The food balance sheet also revealed that, from 1961 to 1997, the amount of calories obtained from cereals decreased from 61% to 41%, meanwhile, calories from meat, eggs and fish increased from 6.2% to 14,3% sweeteners from 9.5% to 18%, and oils and fats from 11.% to 14.8% (Table2) Table2 Changes in sources of calories in Malaysia, 1961-1997 Year 1961-63 1970-72 1979-81 1988-90 1997 Cereals 61 57 48.6 40.0 41.0 Starchy roots 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.9 1.9 Vegetables fruits 4.2 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 Pulses 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Meat, fish, eggs 6.2 6.7 9.5 12.4 14.3 Milk, excluding butter 2.9 2.9 3.8 3.8 3.8 Sweeteners 9.5 12.4 12.4 13.2 18.0 Oils fats 11.4 12.4 17.1 21.0 14.8 Miscellaneous 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.4 Source : Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), (1961-1997). The Ministry of Agriculture reported that per capita consumption of major food commodities between the years 1985 and 2000 as shown in table 3. The trend learnt, where there is a shift towards an affluent diet that is high in energy-dense foods and rich in fats at the expense of complex carbohydrate foods, is consistent with the increased national wealth. The report also revealed a doubled increase in imported food from US$ 909 million in 1985 to US$ 2 billion in 1995. Food intake studies In the absence of nation-wide food consumption surveys, this report is able to highlight some selected studies which are conducted in the last several decades. A household food consumption survey in poverty villages reported a mean energy intake of 1874 kcal, of which 12% if the total energy was obtained from protein, 18% from fats and 70% from carbohydrates (Chong YH, Tee ES, Ng TKW, et al. 1984). A study by Chee SS, Ismail MN, Ng KK, et al.(1997). In poor villages, using 3-day food record, reported a similar mean energy intake of 1871 kcal with a difference in the constituents, 13% of the total energy from protein, 20% from fats and 67% from carbohydrates. Their study also expressed a significant difference in mean energy intakes of urban (1718 kcal) and rural woman (1711 kcal) were similar, fat contributed 30% of the total calories in the urban subjects compared with 29% in the rural counterparts. An examination of the fat composition of the Malaysian urban populations diet by che mical analysis, using a 7-day rotation menu, revealed that the diet provided 2300 kcal obtained from 66g of total fat ( 51g of vegetable fats and 15g of animal fats), 36g of protein and 360g of carbohydrates (Tony NKW, 1995) Table 3 Per capita consumption (kg year-1) of major food commodities, 1985-2000 Year Item 1985 1990 1995 2000 Crops Rice 102.2 89.8 86.9 85.7 Vegetables 42.4 45.4 48.5 52.0 Fruits 39.7 44.3 49.9 53.5 Livestock Beef 2.4 3.2 4.3 5.3 Mutton 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 Poultry 14.6 19.0 30.0 35.3 Pork 10.1 12.0 13.2 8.1 Eggs 11.4 15.7 16.4 16.8 Milk* 37.2 37.7 51.5 53.0 Foodfish 33.4 34.8 39.1 49.0 Food imports (US$ million) 909 1205 2017 NA *Milk per capita consumption in litres per year. NA not available. Source : Ministry of Agriculture. (1999)
Friday, January 17, 2020
Lamentation by Byzantine Painters and Jacob Cornelius
Lamentation by Byzantine painters and Jacob Cornelist. Van Oostsanen So- called Lamentations are generally scenes of great soberness and sadness. Byzantine painters and Jacob narrates the same story with different style of painting and in different period. Both painters strove to make utterly convincing an emotionally charged realization of the theme. Both artists presented lamentation scene in more a natural setting and people in the image are fully modeled. They included crying Mary and other religious representation to tell their audience the story is taken from bible. Both painting share the same biblical subject yet differ in a significant ways that show their respective embodiments of the 12th and 16th century styles. Byzantine painter presented their work on the wall painting style in the church, which is one of the oldest in Macedonia and was built and painted in 1164 under the patronage of Byzantine prince Alexios Komnenos. The church is most famous for it's exceptional fresco paintings, which convey dramatic facial expressions and emotions not commonly found in Byzantine art. It was dedicated to saint Panteleimon. Byzantine painters embellished the church of saint Pantaleimon with murals of great emotional power. One of these, Lamentation, is a paint of passionate grief over the dead Christ. This scene actually represents a novelty in Byzantine wall painting because of its dramatic realism. This masterpiece narrates the history in a New Testament. Central place in the composition of the drama takes Christ while Joseph Arimatean, Nicodemus, Mary, and John are participant. Holy mother of God kissed the dead face of Christ, Joseph supports the body of Christ, John, who is the beloved apostle of Christ, bent down and he took Jesus hand to put it on his face, and Nicodemus who kneeled and with both hand he hold the pliers with which retrieves nails of the feet of Christ nailed to the cross. The painting shows their attitudes, expressions and gestures of sadness. Symbol of the Virgin Mary to her dead son is handed realistic, real-life scene shown, with an emphasis on human feelings. She is closest to Christ body than other Jesus followers shown on the image. She put her right hand under Christ neck and the other hand just below his chest. She put her face against her dead son. Looking at her face, I can see she is quit emotional and cannot hide her feeling and grief instead she showed it by crying. John, who was the Christ disciple, also shows his deep feeling and sadness through his facial expression. The body of dead Christ also clearly shows he is dead. His body is proportional, slim and relaxed and his eyes are closed which reveal he is dead. The image of dead Christ doesn’t show his suffering clearly. His body is muscular and clear of any wound. The wall above this scene is painted with blue color, which represents the sky color. In the sky there are angles watching over dead Christ. The main focus of the painter of this masterpiece is the lamentation, which describes the deep emotional feeling of Christ followers because of death. The actor in the picture showed emotional impact of Christ’s death for viewer. On the hand, the Holland woodcuts and painter of sixteenth century called Jacob Cornelisz Van Oostsanen presented the same scene with significantly different way. This work was painted using tempera and oil on panel. In the byzantine painters primary attention is the lamentation of Christ and the emotion of his followers but here in the Van Oostsanen’s the emotional outpouring of Mary and Christ’s disciples seems secondary to the attention paid by the artist to the fashionably ostentatious headdresses and billowing drapery depicted here. He added little to show the painting’s emotional impact. Even though byzantine painters are good in showing the emotional impact they did not clearly show the sign were Jesus was nailed on the cross. Van Oostsanen, on the other hand, showed the sign were Christ was nailed to the cross. The Van Oostsanen paint is more decorative with clothing and building style, which overshadow the emotional expression due to the scene. On the back of the painting there are two crosses one with person on the cross and the other cross is without a person and the ladder is inclined against it. The empty ladder is where Jesus was crucified. Most of the actors in this painting are not emotional and Mary is crying but not really emotional. The skin color of this painting is more realistic than the byzantine painters used. In Van Oostsanen’s painting the face of the actors are little disproportionate. They have small and circular face. In byzantine painting Mary is very closely touching her son, however in the van Oostsanen painting she is sitting away for her son body and hold her son hand. The angles are also presented in the byzantine painting but in Van Oostsanen there is no angle representation. There is small figure in the lower left, which may represent the person who commissioned the painting. In general, the painter was so talented and able to bring the picture alive with innovative movements, luxuriant, drapery, and careful balancing between relaxation and tension. Just like Van Oostsanen painting, Byzantine artist also showed the event around them through engraving to offer visual proof of emotion of human affection. The two painting are well done to show the lamentation of Christ. Although these artworks are done in different location and period, there are huge similarities in telling the biblical story. Both painters showed us the emotional human expression.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Merger Of Airtran By Southwest Airlines - 1910 Words
THE MERGER OF AIRTRAN BY SOUTHWEST AIRLINES: WILL THE ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURES MERGE? Date: Sep 13, 2014 Harshdeep Sikarwar Critical facts †¢ Southwest Airline Co. is nation’s largest airline company established in June 18, 1971 headquartered in Dallas, Texas, with a 41 year continuous profitability record.[1] Southwest before Merger †¢ Even in the one of the worst year of American history, with an ongoing recession Southwest was able to maintain its profitability for consecutive 38th year in 2010. †¢ Southwest had approximately 34,500 employees by June 30, 2010(2) with 15,069 flight, 2,464 maintenance, 15,205 ground, 2,163 management, accounting clerical personals.[2] †¢ In 2010 with the net income of $459 million, excluding special items it achieved 285% profit increase from the last year, $600 million bank line of credit and 40% debt to total capital.[2] †¢ Acquiring Morris Air and Muse Air in 1980’s Southwest emerged as one of the market leader in the American domestic aviation industry.[2] Current Southwest †¢ 9th most admired company in the world – Fortune magazine, on the top in customer satisfaction – Consumer report’s survey, nation’s first company to provide online ticketing.[1] †¢ By December 31, 2013 Southwest’s 44,831 employees handling 3,600 flights daily, 96 destination across 41 states of United States.[1] †¢ Whooping total net income of $754 million, which was nearly double the performance of 2012 with a record increase of 95%, grossed $17.7 billion inShow MoreRelatedThe Merger Of Airtran By Southwest Airlines1234 Words  | 5 PagesTitle of Case: THE MERGER OF AIRTRAN BY SOUTHWEST AIRLINES: WILL THE ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURES MERGE? 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Free Essay - Original Writing - 1881 Words
And while Boris scalds himself with whisky she says: Sit down here! O Boris †¦ Russia †¦ what ll I do? I m bursting with it! At night when I look at Boris goatee lying on the pillow I get hysterical. O Tania, where now is that warm cunt of yours, those fat, heavy garters, those soft, bulging thighs? There is a bone in my prick six inches long. I will ream out every wrinkle in your cunt, Tania, big with seed. I will send you home to your Sylvester with an ache in your belly and your womb turned inside out. Your Sylvester! Yes, he knows how to build a fire, but I know how to inflame a cunt. I shoot hot bolts into you, Tania, I make your ovaries incandescent. Your Sylvester is a little jealous now? He feels something, does he? He feels†¦show more content†¦Shutters drawn, shops barred. A red glow here and there to mark a tryst. Brusque the facades, almost forbidding; immaculate except for the splotches of shadow cast by the trees. Passing by the Orangerie I am reminded of another Paris, the Paris of Maugham, of Gauguin, Paris of George Moore. I think of that terrible Spaniard who was then startling the world with his acrobatic leaps from style to style. I think of Spengler and of his terrible pronunciamentos, and I wonder if style, style in the grand manner, is done for. I say that my mind is occupied with these thoughts, but it is not true; it is only later, after I have crossed the Seine, after I have put behind me the carnival of lights, that I allow my mind to play with these ideas. For the moment I can think of nothing – except that I am a sentient being stabbed by the miracle of these waters that reflect a forgotten world. All along the banks the trees lean heavily over the tarnished mirror; when the wind rises and fills them with a rustling murmur they will shed a few tears and shiver as the water swirls by. I am suffocated by it. No one to whom I can communicate even a fraction of my feelings†¦ The trouble with Irà ¨ne is that she has a valise instead of a cunt. She wants fat letters to shove in her valise. Immense, avec des choses inou?es. Llona now, she had a cunt. I know because she sent us some hairs from down below. Llona – a wild ass snuffing pleasure out of the wind. On every high
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