Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Oskar Schindler - Saint Or Not Essays - Film,
Oskar Schindler - Saint Or Not? Alyssa Graham Oskar Schindler - A Saint in Disguise? A savage shot howls through the air. Individuals hop back in shock. A little youngster lays in a delicate red puddle of blood, her sparkling Star of David flickering in the once awesome sun. Many look, however most simply cruise on by. Be that as it may, one gazes in awe. Out of resentment. In dismay. Despite the fact that a questionable man of his time, Oskar Schindler, through pay off and lies, changed the undermined lives of many Jews. People can have any kind of effect most definitely. Despite the fact that the underlying thought processes in activity might be not exactly decent, the end may legitimize the methods. The account of Oskar Schindler is a brilliant illustration. A German war profiteer of slave work, an evildoer, a heavy drinker, and a womanizer are on the whole terms that have been utilized to depict Oskar Schindler. Why at that point, on his fifty third birthday celebration did the district of Tel Aviv devote a plaque in the Park of Heroes portraying him as deliverer of more than 1200 Jews? For what reason would he say he was proclaimed a Righteous individual in Jerusalem and welcome to plant a carob tree in the Avenue of the Righteous? The appropriate response is straightforward: To in excess of 1200 Jewish individuals held as detainees in camps during World War II, Oskar Schindler and his processing plants are for the most part that remained among them and demise on account of the Nazis. Schindler's thought processes, even right up 'til today, are not totally clear. As you find out about a man brimming with imperfections simply like all of us, I realize that you also will welcome the way that a conventional man can do phenomenal things. Oskar Schindler is a saint to more than 6,000 Jews right now living over the United States and Europe. Schindler is an extraordinary case of adoring one's neighbor. The individuals who Schindler spared made his ethics a piece of their life, moreover. Schindler roused the Jews to be the most ideal they could be. Oskar was once cited as saying, I knew the individuals who worked for me. At the point when you know individuals, you need to act towards at that point like people. Additionally, God's affection isn't particular. It is to incorporate all individuals. Schindler attempted to spare the same number of Jews as he could. Despite the fact that he couldn't almost spare every one of, his perspectives and suppositions remained the equivalent with each individual. He needed to assist them, with feeding them, to spare them. Schindler performed confidence with affection in real life. Rather than openly talking about the uncalled for treatment of Jews, he made numerous strides further. He opened up the manufacturing plant, utilized a few hundred Jews, and put his convictions enthusiastically. He accepted that reality will make one free, and that was the specific result of the war - the Jews kept their religion and pride consistently, and at long last, they came out effective. Oskar's dad and mom, Hans and Louisa Schindler, were profoundly strict. This brought about a solid Catholic family unit for Schindler. The Schindler family was one of the most extravagant and generally unmistakable in Zwitlau and somewhere else. Schindler himself was an exceptionally tall and attractive man. Obviously, he was loved by all the young ladies. His extravagant, however, fell for a lovely little youngster named Emily. After just a month and a half of romance, they were hitched. Unfortunately, after just a couple of long periods of marriage, Schindler started to vigorously manhandle liquor. He likewise had a few illicit relationships bringing about two youngsters with only one parent present. In 1929, during the Great Depression, the Schindler privately-owned company failed. Right now, Schindler's dad left his mom, and she passed on before long. The image being painted of Schindler isn't actually one of high class and ethics. In fact, Schindler was a heavy drinker and a womanizer. This leads numerous to figure, in what manner would this be able to man be viewed as a holy person? What might have him, with the entirety of his influence and cash, to chance his own life to spare the lives of thousands of individuals he has never met? How could he do it? It was no simple undertaking. In the entirety of this the inquiry despite everything remains, why? For what reason did he do it? The appropriate response is that there is no
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Empowers Intrigue and Contribution System †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Talk about the Empowers Intrigue and Contribution System. Answer: Intoduction: In the 21st century, most of the associations have thought of procedures to support their efficiency. For profitability to be accomplished it is necessitated that different divisions to participate to guarantee sharing of the jobs is accomplished. In Africa, there has been the pattern by the associations to concoct a solid group that is enlisted to provide food for creation just as promoting. The group that is set up for the most part is dictated by the human asset division of the association. Dynamic in the human asset division distinguishes the workforce that will be engaged with the creation. In Ghana, there have been organizations that have been set up with the point of taking care of issues that exist in the general public. One of the ventures that have procured ubiquity is the one associated with the creation of browning oil. The nation is encountering popularity for cooking oil in light of the fact that there are expanded the quantity of clients as the populace increments. In the nation, there have been experienced political flimsiness which lessens the odds of outside organizations to the part in the creation division. Wilmar is an association that has been in a situation to get by in the business as it has joined techniques that are essential for maintainability and especially with regards to human asset the board. In this bit of work, the fixation will be on issues that spin around the human asset the executives of Wilmar which is situated in Ghana, yet its items have been dispersed to parts of West Africa. In work. The executives issues as proposed by Henri Fayol will be concentrated to see how they have been used underway and the board of human asset the executives. Wilmar Africa Limited is a totally had assistant of Wilmar International and one of the fundamental associations in Ghana in the Edible Oil Refinery, getting ready and course. Since entering Africa around 15 years back, Wilmar has stretched out its impression to 14 countries on the terrain partaking in the improvement of oil palm, flexible, consumable oils refining and squeezing, strong point fats age, oilseed pummeling and furthermore sugar estates. The Frytol mark passes on novel quality, righteousness, and taste since selective the extraordinary gets in. Staying steady with its Ghanaian roots, while being set out to pass on solid quality, Frytol is delivered utilizing palm oil to some degree made by neighborhood farmers which makes it wonderful for most of your cooking requirements; whether or not you're fricasseeing or using oil as a recipe fixing, the flawlessness of Frytol oil will ensure your food tastes inconceivable. The brand has helped friends and family make basic minutes over delicious suppers. In the event that you are looking for recipe inspiration for your family and sidekicks examine our Frytol cookbook which offers an extent of equations for all occasions. Eventually, laborers have some skill in different extents and they have extraordinary capacities. Various degrees of inclination can be noted inside the working zones. Work force and master progressions fortify this. As expressed by Henri Fayol, picking up top to bottom information propels viability of the workforce and grows proficiency. Moreover, the specialization of the workforce manufactures their accuracy and speed. This administration standard of the 14 standards of organization is pertinent to both practical and regulatory activities. Authority and Responsibility Remembering the ultimate objective to finish things in an organization, the organization has the skill to offer solicitations to the laborers. Evidently with this master comes confirmation. As showed by Henri Fayol, the proceeding onward with force or pro furnishes the administration with the benefit to offer solicitations to the youngsters. Obligations can be followed from execution, and it is thusly basic to make understandings about the procedure. Figuratively speaking, master and commitment go together, and they are two of a kind. This third rule of the 14 standards of human asset the executives which is about quiet submission. It is much of the time a bit of the middle estimations of a crucial vision as incredible immediate and mindful joint efforts. This organization rule is principal and is seen as the oil to impact the engine of a relationship to run without any problem. The organization rule 'Solidarity of order' implies that an individual laborer need to get orders from one chairman and that the agent is at risk to that boss. In case tasks and related obligations are given to the delegate by more than one administrator, this may provoke perplexity which may incite possible conflicts for laborers. By using this rule, the obligation with respect to oversights can be developed all the more effectively. This organization standard of the 14 gauges of organization is about fixation and solidarity. All specialists pass on comparative activities that can be associated with comparative goals. All activities must be finished by one assembling that structures a gathering. These activities must be portrayed in a game plan of movement. The boss is finally responsible for this component, and he screens the development of the portrayed and arranged obligations. Focus regions are the undertakings made by the delegates and coordination. People Interest Subordination To have an organization function admirably, Henri Fayol exhibited that individual interests are subordinate to the interests of the association (ethics). The significant focus is on the legitimate targets and not on those of the individual. This applies to the various degrees of the whole association not constrained to chiefs. Consolation and viability are identified with one another to the extent the smooth running of organization is concerned. This administration standard of the 14 measures of organization expresses that the pay should be satisfactory to keep workers motivated and worthwhile. There are two kinds of compensation explicitly non-cash related (a commendation, more commitments, credits) and monetary (compensation, reward or other budgetary compensation). The executives and expert for fundamental authority process must be genuinely balanced in an association. This relies upon the size and volume of an association just as its progression. Centralization deduces the assembly of essential initiative master at the best organization (official board) (Wren, Bedeian and Breeze, 2002). Sharing of specialists for the vital authority process with cutting down levels (focus and lower organization), is implied as decentralization by Henri Fayol. Henri Fayol showed that an affiliation should gain ground toward a conventional alter in this. Chain of significance introduces itself in some random association. This movements from the senior organization (official board) to the most junior levels in the organization. Henri Fayol 's request organization standard communicates that there should be a sensible line in the zone of pro (from beginning to end and all bosses at all levels).This can be seen as a sort of organization structure. Each agent can contact an executive or a pervasive in an emergency situation without testing the chain of significance. Especially, when it concerns reports about catastrophes to the brief boss/managers. According to this rule of the 14 principles of organization, laborers in an affiliation must have the right resources accessible to them with the objective that they can work honestly in an affiliation. Despite social solicitation (commitment of the directors) the work environment must be ensured, great and clean. The organization rule of significant worth normally occurs in the inside estimations of an affiliation. As showed by Henri Fayol, delegates must be managed considerate and likewise. Agents must be in the ideal spot in the relationship to do things right. Chiefs should direct and screen this strategy, and they should treat delegates sensibly and unprejudiced. Steadiness of Tenure of Personnel This organization standard of the 14 norms of organization addresses sending and administering of staff and this should be in alter with the organization that is given from the affiliation. Organization attempts to constrain specialist turnover and to have the right staff in the perfect spot. Focus ranges, for instance, visit change of position and satisfactory progression must be managed well. Henri Fayol battled that with this organization rule agents should be allowed to communicate new contemplations. This enables interest and commitment and makes incorporated a motivating force for the association (Wook Yoo, Lemak, and Choi, 2006). Delegate exercises are a wellspring of value for the relationship as demonstrated by Henri Fayol. This desires the laborers to be incorporated and interested. The organization standard 'esprit de corps' of the 14 measures of organization stays for trying the organization and solidarity of the laborers. Boss are responsible for the improvement of soul in the workplace; independently and in the scope of correspondence. Esprit de corps adds to the improvement of the lifestyle and makes a quality of shared trust and comprehension. Human asset the board, additionally called workforce organization, covers a significant number of activities embraced by an undertaking to ensure the convincing utilization of delegates toward the accomplishment of individual, gathering, and various leveled destinations. Wilmar Africa Limiteds HRM work focuses on everyone side of organization. It contains rehearses that help an association to manage its family in the midst of the various times of the work cycle, including pre-obtain, staffing, and post-utilize. The pre-enroll stage incorporates organizing sharpens. The affiliation must choose what sorts of em
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Life After MIT
Life After MIT So I have (somewhat) settled into my life post-grad. This is, however, NOT my last blog. That is coming, and (I promise!) it will be still MIT-relevant. Once things stop becoming MIT-relevant, then Ill stop blogging. Which will be a sad day. - So Im now living in THE NYC, on THE UES (or the Upper East Side, for you unenlightened folks). Theoretically, I live in East Harlem, since we have the East Harlem zip code (10029), but we are zoned in the same Congressional district as the wealthy Upper East Side (NY 14th). This made me finally realize what gerrymandering means*. (okay, I also wanted to live in the most Democratic Congressional district in the nation according to the Cook PVI index, which is NY 15th (Harlem and Washington Heights) and NY 16th (Bronx) :P) * Seriously though, check out the Manhattan Congressional zoning map the traditional boundary between East Harlem and the Upper East Side is East 96th St., but see how the district lines shift sharply northwards by Park Ave. next to Central Park? Thats where my medical school (and the medical center) is, lol. Im going to medical school at Mount Sinai, and I just had my seventh day of school. In many ways, med school is like going back to high school the days are much longer with an intense amount of lectures (5-6 hours), the class is really small (140 in my graduating class), and you have class with everyone else all the time. A major difference, however, is that people in your class are no longer the same age as you. In MSSM Class of 2015, the age range is from 21 to 31, with the average age being 23. Im 22, so I fit just below the average age of my class. Its a bit strange to realize that most of the people in my class had taken a year or few years off and that people didnt just recently turn legal like I did, haha. Thanks to the rigorous MIT biology and chemistry instruction, the biochem that we have seen so far appears to be quite amateurish (what is the secondary structure of a protein? how does DNA transcription proceed? explain the function of the TATA box? which amino acids are polar and which are nonpolar?). Not trying to be cocky here, but MIT does provide a really rigorous foundation in the sciences (even through the GIRs without going into advanced courses), and this serves us really well post-graduation, which is a great thing :) - What I really meant to write in this blog, however, is about the MIT alums that are in my class at Mount Sinai. I am happy to announce that Mount Sinai had an extremely strong showing of MIT alumni this year, with 4 of us from the Class of 2011 attending Sonya 11, Grace 11, Amrita 11, and yours truly. Its pretty funny because Grace 11 shares almost the exact same life story as me (born in the US, grew up in Taiwan, didnt come back until college.our parents even know each other!). Ive delegated her as the spokesperson for the where are you from question when were together :P I went to the same summer program at the same campus (SSP Ojai 2006) my junior year of HIGH SCHOOL with Sonya 11. (woot woot SSP represent! here I am going to link Anna, because she always links me when talking about SSP although it was a pity that she went to the New Mexico campuswhen they were rained out with T-storms, us folks on the California campus even took asteroid measurements for them and sent it over to NM. True story.) We also went to the same FPOP (FLP 2007), and now were in the same class again. It is pretty funny though that Sonya and I actually rarely talked at MIT since we never really ran into each other, but now I see her almost every day. As for Amrita 11, she also went FLP 2007, and she was Graces floormate at MIT. Now theyre roommates! So all of us are doing well here at Sinai, and after two weeks of meeting people, we discovered that there was a hidden MIT alum in our class, Paul from the Class of 2003*. * To give you a sense of time, Simmons Hall opened during his senior year at MIT. It was extremely exciting to refer to our majors using numbers again and have someone understand what Course 7 meant (he was Course 5). Although Paul is much older than me, there are so many things that all alums share so much more than course numbers. He knew what it felt like to stay up tooling all night, and how tasty the food trucks (especially Goosebearys) by Building 66* were. * To give you another sense of time, the food trucks by Kendall used to park next to Building 66 in an alleyway that led to Main Street. We would buy food from the food truck and eat at this small lawn area right next to Building 66. This was during my freshman Orientation (2007). Since then, that lawn area got demolished to make way for the new Koch Center and is sadly no more. The food trucks moved over to the alley by the ambulance entrance of MIT Medical, and Goosebearys got renamed Momogoose**. ** I still like the original Goosebearys better. - To stay in touch with MIT, I signed up to be an Educational Counselor, and I sure hope I get picked (unfortunately, there are way too many alumni in the NYC area :( ). Its so much fun to keep in touch with MIT, and it would definitely be super fun to get to help pick the incoming future classes. There is a quote that I really like from Alice in Wonderland (did you know Lewis Carroll was an eminent mathematician? see, scientists are capable of so much more than just science XP) But I dont want to go among mad people, Alice remarked. Oh, you cant help that, said the Cat: were all mad here. Im mad. Youre mad. How do you know Im mad? said Alice. You must be, said the Cat, or you wouldnt have come here. It is a bit tongue-in-cheek when I use it to describe MIT, but this quote seriously sums up how I feel about this place after four years. There is something very special about the school, and once you leave, youre never quite the same again. Even when meeting my new classmates from other colleges, I cant help but feel that there are just so many things that I can never properly describe to them youd have to have lived it to understand. Just like Harry Potter going off to Hogwarts you belong here if you received the fat envelope. I cant help you if you dont want to go among mad people, but if youre sitting in Cambridge right now reading this post.. .too late. :) ps. Our professor talked about the Ras oncogene a few days ago, and I had to resist the urge to turn to my classmate and announce that the guy who discovered Ras taught me freshman biology. :P
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Great Civilization Of Athens - 1236 Words
The plague of Athens led to the death and destruction of not only a mass of people, but the entire civilization. This cataclysmic event that ended the great civilization of Athens has inspired countless authors to write about it. Starting at the beginning of 431 BCE, historian Thucydides wrote his take on it. In his work, â€Å"The History of the Peloponnesian War,†Thucydides discussed the social and political consequences of the plague; a personal account on the experiences he lived through. Anywhere during 99-55 BCE, poet Lucretius had his work, â€Å"On the Nature of the Universe,†end with an account of the Athenian plague. Lucretius’s account was nearly an exact translation of Thucydides’ account, but whereas Thucydides wrote historically and genuinely on his experiences on the plague, Lucretius left certain things out and elaborated on others as he wrote it as part of natural phenomenon and laid out his writing to tell, in a didactic poem, the m ental experience of the Athenian people. Thucydides was a historical writer who wrote his recollections on â€Å"The History of the Peloponnesian War.†He began to write at the beginning of the war at 431, as he felt it deserved to be recorded and was â€Å"composed to be a lasting possession for all time. His writing was meant to help and show the future; he wrote regarding the Athenian plague, so if another plague breaks out â€Å"people may know in advance and not be ignorant. In Thucydides’ report, he talks about the plague, event by event.Show MoreRelatedThe Classical Age1305 Words  | 6 PagesThe Prideful, Yet Humble Athens Fifth century Athens was known as the Classical Age, which had brought many ideas, values and virtues to the rest of the world. After the Persian War, Athens began a time where art, literature, philosophy, theatre, and music influenced the world in such a manner, that we are still uncovering facts of ancient Athens today. The classical period was a time where the Greeks had great pride in what they accomplished. After years of war, Athens was victorious and able toRead MoreGreek Vs. Hellenistic Civilization1067 Words  | 5 Pagesit created a lot of major wars. It took a large amount of resources and decades to end these wars. As a result of these wars, most kingdoms suffered from both economical and political problems. Therefore, it is fair to say that Greek/Hellenistic civilization could be characterized as being a period of intellectual and cultural achievement but political failure. In the Hellenistic world, there were a lot of intellectual success in Greek. This was a period when a lot of History writers came to life.Read MoreEssay about Athens, Greece852 Words  | 4 PagesAthens, Greece Athens was the intellectual center of Greece. It was one of the first city-states of its time, and is still known as one of the most famous cities in the world. It was named after Athena, the goddess of wisdom and the citys patron. In 508 B.C., Athens became one of the first societies in ancient times to invent democracy. Democracy came from the Greek words, demos, meaning people, and kratein, meaning to rule. 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As Rudyard Kipling once wrote, Oh, East is east, West is west, And never the twain shall meet Kipling stated the obvious, the Han Empire and Classical Athens are completely different (Introduction). However, is it true? Of course these two civilizations have many differences, one is located in the west and the other is located in the east. The two civilizations are different not just for their locations but alsoRead MoreThe Peloponnesian War And The Athenian War1354 Words  | 6 PagesThe Peloponnesian War, 431-404 B.C., brought an end to the Golden Age of Athens. The Peloponnesian War was fueled by an intense rivalry between the two city states, Sparta and Athens, and was comprised of two smaller wars and one isolated expedition of expansion to Sicily. Spartans historically had always been the political, social and economic RIVALS /adversary of Athens, opposing their democratic and economic goals. The Spartans were politically apprehensive that Athenian culture prospered, forRead MoreA Brief Study of Logographic Writing, Polis, Plato, and Alexander660 Words  | 3 Pa gesearliest forms of writing and it first appeared in the areas of the world where evidence of civilization first was found. These areas such as Near East, Northern Africa, and China have been where archeologists and historians have found the most evidence of this form of written communication. The logographic form was, at one point in history, the preferred from of written communication but as civilization progressed the phonetic form became more commonly used to the point that the Chinese languageRead MoreSparta Vs Athens Vs. Athens1468 Words  | 6 PagesJamie Clemens History 102 Professor Sinclair 13 October 2015 Sparta vs. Athens Although Sparta and Athens were close on the map, they were far apart in many aspects of their civilizations. While having some similarities, the military powerhouse and the intellectual center of Greece had major differences in governments, societies, and cultural developments. The Spartan government was considered an oligarchy (â€Å"oligos†translates to â€Å"few†and â€Å"archia†translates to â€Å"rule†), whereas the Athenian governmentRead MoreThe Roman And Greek Political Systems1510 Words  | 7 Pagesdemocracy, monarchy, and tyranny. However, Rome was influenced by the Greek, they introduced a republic view seen today then the democracy of Greek city-states. During the time of these two civilizations, they held many overlapping similarities, and other times showing the vast difference between the related civilizations such as the location of each city-state, how much power a women had, and the separation of the groups in each political system. The city-state system highly effected the growing politicalRead MoreClassical Societies : China, Athens, And Rome Essay876 Words  | 4 PagesClassical Societies: China, Athens, and Rome: Review of Social, Economic, Political, and Cultural Situations The three areas of classical civilizations developed their cultural beliefs, lifestyles, political institutions, and social structures. However, there were significant similarities among them. Patriarchal values thrived in these civilizations. The male dominated family structure with loyalty and obedience heavily stressed in China s homes. Chinas Patriarchal society reinforced by Confucian
Sunday, May 10, 2020
What Value Of Property Can Be Determined By A Number Of...
The value of property can be determined by a number of factors. These could be size, location, type, design, and age with energy efficiency being one of the weakest factors (DECC, 2013). Nevertheless the need for sustainable properties is growing and may begin to influence the value both in terms of purchasers’ behaviour and occupiers’ preferences (RICS, 2014). In the UK property valuation has to comply with the RICS Valuation – Professional Standards (the â€Å"Red Book†), 2014. The Red Book (2014) includes mandatory valuation rules and best practice guidance to undertake valuations. It notes that valuation professionals should be aware of sustainable features and the implications these have on property values in the present and future.†¦show more content†¦This represents a significant premium of 40% being paid for sustainable properties, even taking into account 10-15% premium that is usually attributed for new developments. However, this evidence is based on one area and cannot be generalised to the whole of the country. Nevertheless they note that there is a shortage of homes in the UK, with high demand and insufficient supply, and therefore it must be evaluated who are the people that are willing and able to pay a higher premium for sustainable properties (Rodrigues et al, 2012). The UK government and national newspapers have published a number of news articles on the topic; however these may be subject to industry bias. In 2012 a study was conducted by the Department of Energy and Climate Change, which analyses the impact of different EPC ratings on property value (DECC, 2013). The study found that properties with EPC rating D are sold for 8% more than those with a G rating and homes with A or B ratings are sold for 14% more than the lowest rated properties. The analysis shown per region can be found in Appendix 5. Additionally the study ascertains that the majority of properties have a C, D and E EPC rating with flats being the most efficient as nearly half of them are rated a C or a B. The regional variations show that price variations are considerably smaller inShow MoreRelatedDifferent Types Of Rental Expense1175 Words  | 5 PagesRental Expense can be similar to home values. Some may own a property, and some may rent a place, which can be a studio, 1 bedroom or 2-bedroom apartment, etc. The more prime the location the more the rental will be. From our research of the 40 cities the mean rental is $1,426.51. To rent a property today, you’ll have to show proof of income, if the owner sees you have been making a significant amount he/she may agree to rent the property. 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These loans are flexible and can be used to purchase your own home or to repair, build, adapt or retain your personal property. The term veteran refers to active duty service personnel, certain members of the Selected Reserve and spouses of a certain category. This means that residents in Ocala, Florida who are categorized as veteransRead MoreEssay on Quiz Study Guid1281 Words  | 6 PagesAre members of the public allowed to speak at local school meetings? Yes – public members can sign up by calling the board secretary 2. Are state school board members in Colorado elected or appointed? Board members are elected by all district voters. 3. Are local and state superintendents of schools elected or appointed? Local superintendents are appointed by local school boards. STATE? 4. What is a BOCES? Board of Cooperative Educational Services – supply educational services to schoolsRead MoreThe Ethical Theory Of Property1712 Words  | 7 PagesThe Utilitarian theory of property seeks to maximize the population’s utility when a property decision is made, the greatest good for the greatest amount of people. To apply this theory one must define and aggregate a measure of utility comparable for all people in a cost-benefit analysis. A popular measure for utility, under the welfarist economics utilitarian view, is utilizing the price a person is willing to pay for a good or service as the value aggregated in the cost-benefit analysis. HoweverRead MoreThe Valley Children s Hospital866 Words  | 4 Pagesto determine the most suitable location for the construction of the project, a profound analysis of the potential locations must be carried out. A research process will be necessary to determine the characteristics of every proposed location. The factors to be cons idered during the selection process are described in the following sections. Proximity to the hospital premises is the most critical aspect to be considered. Given that one of the major objectives of this proposal is to reduce congestionRead MoreThe Utilitarian Theory Of Property1590 Words  | 7 PagesUtilitarianism The Utilitarian theory of property seeks to maximize the population’s utility when a property decision is made, the greatest good for the greatest amount of people. The difficulty with this theory stems from defining and aggregating a measure of utility comparable for all people in a cost-benefit analysis. A popular measure for utility, under the welfarist economics utilitarian view is utilizing the price a person is willing to pay for a good or service as the value aggregated in the cost-benefitRead MoreStatistical Analysis for Property Crimes1120 Words  | 5 Pagesprovide as much explanation as you can. Please see attached files. My research is based on this topic below. The data is attached in the spreadsheet. This is a multiple regression analysis. I have attached a PDF file that explains the case and the spreadsheet version with all the data recorded from the PDF file. Pleas emae sure you include all the graphs, plots and please use megastat software. Topic: We want to determine the primary factors that affect property crime rates in the United StatesRead MoreApplication Of Property Theories Of The Beacon Hill1740 Words  | 7 PagesApplication of Property Theories A. Utilitarianism The Utilitarian theory of property seeks to maximize the population’s utility when a property decision is made, the greatest good for the greatest amount of people. To apply this theory, one must define and aggregate a measure of utility comparable for all people in a cost-benefit analysis. A popular measure of utility, under the welfarist economics utilitarian view, is utilizing the price a person is willing to pay for a good or service as the value to beRead MoreThe Correlation Between Two Rivals Traditions Of Economic Thought By Hunt Lautzenheister And The Great Divide1496 Words  | 6 Pagesabove all else, policy-oriented theory. His principal concern was to ascertain what social and economic forces were most conducive to increasing human welfare, and, by this, to recommend policies that would best promote human happiness. Smith’s definition of economic well-being was quite simple and straightforward. According to Smith, Economic welfare depends on the amount o f the annual produce of labour and the number of consumers (Hunt 22). In every economy, welfare increases as the composition
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Hospitality in the Odyssey Free Essays
In the epic, by Homer, â€Å"The Odyssey†, hospitality is demonstrated at various points. It is never really genuine, but forced upon due to circumstance. Throughout the entire epic Odysseus finds himself stranded on many islands and is greeted by a being that either dwells or has control over the island, and at one point or another they display some form of hospitality. We will write a custom essay sample on The Hospitality in the Odyssey or any similar topic only for you Order Now Kyklops, Aiolos, and Kirke have self-motivated reason for showing hospitality, but never the less they are hospitable. Kyklops, a one-eyed giant that consumes humans, showed very little hospitality. The only time that he was hospitable to Odysseus is when he was drunk, and asked Odysseus for more wine. In return for the wine, the Kyklops promised him a gift. The gift was that he would eat Odysseus last. Even though it does not seem like much of a gift, Kyklops felt like it was a great honor. The only reason that Kyklops was sociable at all was because he desired the wine and Odysseus was the only one that could bring him the wine. The act of kindness had absolutely nothing to do with the idea of being kind, it was all to gain something greater in return. The Aiolia Island belonged to Aiolos Hippotades, the King of the wind. When Odysseus arrived he welcomed him with great hospitality, but made him stay for one month and tell him the story of his journey in great detail. Odysseus then requested that he be granted leave so that he could sail home. Aiolos Hippotades granted his leave, and upon Odysseus requests was allowed to replenish his supplies. Hippotades was extremely generous and added a bull’s hide and bottled storm winds to guide his ship to Ithaca swiftly and safely. Hippotadoes actions not out of generosity, but rather Odysseus had brought him news from Troy and entrained him with a great journey from the world beyond his island. The wind king enjoyed such things because he did not have access to them, and he felt he had to be extremely hospitable to Odysseus in order to repay him for the great gift that he had brought, which he could not receive any where else. They made the departure, but the bottle was accidentally opened, and they were forced back to the island. Hippotades turned them away telling them that the gods cursed their journey. The wind king was using Odysseus as a form of a newsletter. He had no other way of knowing what was going on in the world. Once Odysseus was unable to give him what he wanted, his hospitality quickly faded. After exploring the island, and some of Odysseus’ men were eaten by giants, his men came across Kirke’s house. All of the men entered the house except one, Eurylochus, and Kirke turned them into pigs. Eurylochus returned to Odysseus and told him what had happened. While Odysseus traveled to Kirke’s house he was visited by Hermes who gave him an amulet and had him consume a flower that would make him immune to her potion that turned men into pigs. Upon meeting Kirke she was so impressed with Odysseus because he was immune to her poison, that she assumed he was a man of the gods, and she invited him into her bed. In return Odysseus made her swear that if he would go to bed with her that she would not be able to harm him. Kirke transformed the pigs back into men and kept Odysseus as her mate for one year. She was fixated on a more superficial way of thinking, Kirke was only hospitable to Odysseus because of the fact that he was immune to her potion and he was man of the gods. She was attempting to improve her status and how she felt about herself. Throughout the epic there are numerous acts of hospitality, but they all derive from an alternative motive. During this time people did not have a conventional way of knowing about other lands, so they would use the new comers as newspapers in order to know what’s going on. No one does anything for anyone out of the kindness of their heart. Perhaps there is no such thing as genuine acts of hospitality. How to cite The Hospitality in the Odyssey, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Troilus And Criseyde By Chaucer Essays - Troilus And Cressida
Troilus And Criseyde By Chaucer Chaucer's epic poem, Troilus and Criseyde, is not a new tale, but one Chaucer merely expanded upon. One of these expansions that Chaucer's work has become renowned for is the improvement of the characters. Generally, Chaucer's characters have more texture, depth, humanity, and subtlety than those of the previous tales. Of the three main figures in the epic poem, Troilus, Criseyde, and Pandarus, Pandarus is the character that Chaucer took the most liberty with, creating and evolving Pandarus until he had taken on an entirely different role. However, this is not to say that Chaucer did not add his own style to Troilus and Criseyde. Chaucer's continual development of the primary characters definitely lend more interest and humor to the epic poem, Troilus and Criseyde. The most interesting character by far is Pandarus. He serves as the protagonist and go between for Troilus and Criseyde. In fact, one could argue if it were not for him, Troilus may never have attained the brief affections of his lady love, Criseyde. When Pandarus comes across an uneasy Troilus and inquires as to the cause of his trouble, his speech is very eloquent. It is this speech that gives the reader his first glimpse of how subtlety and indirectness will initially characterize Pandarus. Further along the passage, Pandarus torments Troilus into anger, causing him to reveal the source of his woe. (Chaucer 24-5). In regard to the introduction of Pandarus, Kirby concludes: "?Chaucer makes us feel that here is a witty, likable chap who does not take life too seriously and who does not hesitate to mingle friendly works with good-natured taunts." (127) Pandarus also reveals that he is fairly well educated with his allusion to Niobe. In addition to the revelation of his education, this also reveals Pandarus' penchant for a pattern of persuasion which he employs throughout his role. "Pandarus thinks the that way to make a man do something that he does not want to do is not to tell him bluntly and baldly what course of action he should pursue, but rather, gradually to lead up to the main point, expanding on the notion in various ways and especially by quoting sufficient authority and testimony to show his plan is the correct one, in fact, the only one possible" (Kirby 133). This demonstrates that not only does Pandarus have a classical education, but that he also maintains some grasp on the concept of psychology. Aside from the intellectual side of Pandarus, Chaucer develops a very human aspect to this character. Chaucer purposefully places Pandarus in the role of the unrequited lover, making him seem less feeble-minded. At the same time however, Pandarus reasserts his illogical reasoning in order to convince Troilus to divulge his heart wrenching secret. Even after Troilus' curt dismissal, Pandarus continues to badger the beleaguered knight, demonstrating yet another strong personality characteristic: tenacity. This is supported by Pandarus physically shaking Troilus. "And with that word he gan hym for to shake,/And seyde, "Thef/ thow shalt hyre name telle,/But tho gan sely Troilus for to quake/As though men sholde han led hym into helle,?"(Chaucer 36). Consequentially frightened, Troilus tells Pandarus of his love for Criseyde, Pandarus' niece and even goes so far as to agree to enlist Pandarus' help in bringing his niece's heart to the beleaguered knight. In his dealings with his niece, issues of Pandarus' morality comes into being, especially as his roll of the go-between for Troilus and Criseyde. "The word pander, where he has bequeathed the English language, illuminates the negative connotations that are put on his actions in modern meaning" (Berkley Research 3). In regard to Pandarus' selling of Criseyde's honor, one scholar believes that his loose morals would be fitting for someone of younger years, but on an older man, it would be a serious affront to his morality (Rosetti 177). A slightly more favorable view holds that as Pandarus is beholden to aide a friend, Chaucer uses the character's charm to influence readers to view the act as less of crime. Finally, one can take the opinion that Pandarus' actions coincide perfectly with the ideas of Courtly love and therefore are less odious (Kirby 181). However grim these opinions maybe, Chaucer, and as a result, Pandarus, takes the bull by the figurative horns and addresses the issue. Criseyde questions Pandarus after his declaration of Troilus' love by saying: "?Alas, for wo! Why nere I deed?/For of the world the feyth is al agoon./Allas! what sholden straunge to me doon,/When he, that for my beste frend I wende,/Ret
Friday, March 20, 2020
House Music essays
House Music essays The origins of House music trace back to the 1980s, following a trail that reaches the Atlantic ocean, the Mediterranean dance floors of Ibiza, finds its way into the backdoors of New Yorks recording studios, and includes V.I.P. passes to the clubs of Chicago and London. House is now considered by many the form of modern dance music. House musics earliest roots are found in the musical hotspots of Chicago around 1985. One particular New York DJ, Frankie Knuckles, had a regular show at a club called The Warehouse. Knuckles would play with soul and disco tunes by using a drum machine-generating a 4/4 beat on top of them (jahsonic.com). The clubbers loved this new sound and house music, named for the club, was born. More DJs took to the tables and the studios, and soon there was an abundance of new house tracks penetrating both the clubs and airwaves of Chicago. The new sound found its way to the East Coast, where DJs in Philadelphia and New York spun their own interpretations of classic dance tunes with a house beat on top. However, the biggest fans of the Chicago sound were not in the U.S. at all (Interview Brandon Klitz: 2002). Simultaneously, pirate radio in Britain took to the Chicago sounds. Incidentally, at the time pirate stations were the only ones playing black music of any kind in the U.K. Before long, house was the new soundtrack of the underground clubs of London. The first house tune to break the underground ceiling was Farley Jackmaster Funks cover of Isaac Hayes Love Cant Turn Around, which reached the national charts in September 1986 (jahsonic.com). The UK couldnt seem to get enough of this new type of music. Soon, commercial success showcased several of the early artists. Steve Silk Hurley was the first to reach the ultimate goal, the UK No.1, with Jack Your Body in January 1987. This success p...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Hypothalamus - Function, Hormones, and Structure
Hypothalamus - Function, Hormones, and Structure About the size of a pearl, the hypothalamus directs a multitude of important functions in the body. Located in the diencephalon region of the forebrain, the hypothalamus is the control center for many autonomic functions of the peripheral nervous system. Connections with structures of the endocrine and nervous systems enable the hypothalamus to play a vital role in maintaining homeostasis. Homeostasis is the process of maintaining bodily equilibrium by monitoring and adjusting physiological processes. Blood vessel connections between the hypothalamus and pituitary gland allow hypothalamic hormones to control pituitary hormone secretion. Some of the physiological processes regulated by the hypothalamus include blood pressure, body temperature, cardiovascular system functions, fluid balance, and electrolyte balance. As a limbic system structure, the hypothalamus also influences various emotional responses. The hypothalamus regulates emotional responses through its influence on the pituitary gland, skeletal muscular system, and autonomic nervous system. Hypothalamus: Function The hypothalamus is involved in several functions of the body including: Autonomic Function ControlEndocrine Function ControlHomeostasisMotor Function ControlFood and Water Intake RegulationSleep-Wake Cycle Regulation Hypothalamus: Location Directionally, the hypothalamus is found in the diencephalon. It is inferior to the thalamus, posterior to the optic chiasm, and bordered on the sides by the temporal lobes and optic tracts. The location of the hypothalamus, specifically its close proximity to and interactions with the thalamus and pituitary gland, enables it to act as a bridge between the nervous and endocrine systems. Hypothalamus: Hormones Hormones produced by the hypothalamus include: Anti-Diuretic Hormone (Vasopressin) - regulates water levels and influence blood volume and blood pressure.Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone - acts on the pituitary gland causing the release of hormones in response to stress.Oxytocin - influences sexual and social behavior.Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone - stimulates the pituitary to release hormones that influence the development of reproductive system structures.Somatostatin - inhibits the release of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and growth hormone (GH).Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone - stimulates the release of growth hormone by the pituitary.Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone - stimulates the pituitary to release thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). TSH regulates metabolism, growth, heart rate, and body temperature. Hypothalamus: Structure The hypothalamus consists of several nuclei (neuron clusters) that may be divided into three regions. These regions include an anterior, middle or tuberal, and posterior component. Each region can be further divided into areas that contain nuclei responsible for a variety of functions. Region Functions Anterior Thermoregulation; releases oxytocin, anti-diuretic hormone, and gonadotropin-releasing hormone; controls sleep-wake cycles. Middle (Tuberal) Controls blood pressure, heart rate, satiety, and neuroendocrine integration; releases growth hormone-releasing hormone. Posterior Involved in memory, learning, arousal, sleep, pupil dilation, shivering, and feeding; releases anti-diuretic hormone. Hypothalamus Regions and Functions The hypothalamus has connections with various parts of the central nervous system. It connects with the brainstem, the part of the brain that relays information from the peripheral nerves and spinal cord to the upper parts of the brain. The brainstem includes the midbrain and portions of the hindbrain. The hypothalamus also connects to the peripheral nervous system. These connections enable the hypothalamus to influence many autonomic or involuntary functions (heart rate, pupil constriction and dilation, etc.). In addition, the hypothalamus has connections with other limbic system structures including the amygdala, hippocampus, thalamus, and olfactory cortex. These connections enable the hypothalamus to influence emotional responses to sensory input. Key Takeaways The hypothalamus is located in the diencephalon region of the forebrain, directs a number of needed functions in the body and is the control center for several autonomic functions.These functional controls include: autonomic, endocrine, and motor function control. It is also involved in homeostasis and the regulation of both the sleep-wake cycle and in food and water intake.A number of important hormones are produced by the hypothalamus including: vasopressin (anti-diuretic hormone), corticotropin-releasing hormone, oxytocin, gonadotropin-releasing hormone, somatostatin, growth hormone-releasing hormone, and thyrotropin-releasing hormone. These hormones act on other organs or glands in the body. Hypothalamus: Disorders Disorders of the hypothalamus prevent this important organ from functioning normally. The hypothalamus releases a number of hormones that control a variety of endocrine functions. As such, damage to the hypothalamus results in a lack of production of hypothalamic hormones needed to control important activities, such as maintaining water balance, temperature regulation, sleep cycle regulation, and weight control. Since hypothalamic hormones also influence the pituitary gland, damage to the hypothalamus impacts organs that are under pituitary control, such as the adrenal glands, gonads, and thyroid gland. Disorders of the hypothalamus include hypopituitarism (deficient pituitary hormone production), hypothyroidism (deficient thyroid hormone production), and sexual development disorders.Hypothalamic disease is most commonly caused by brain injury, surgery, malnutrition related to eating disorders (anorexia and bulimia), inflammation, and tumors. Divisions of the Brain Forebrain - encompasses the cerebral cortex and brain lobes.Midbrain - connects the forebrain to the hindbrain.Hindbrain - regulates autonomic functions and coordinates movement.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Applied economic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Applied economic - Assignment Example Given that model 2 is the correct model, the Gauss-Markov theorem tells me that the model’s ordinary least square estimators are the best estimators under classical linear regression models. This implies that the coefficients are the best for the model and the R2 is the highest that the model can attain (Wooldridge 102). Suppose a test was conducted on the hypothesis at 15 percent level of confidence and a p-value of 0.119 obtained, the test result would mean that no significant relationship exist. This is because for a two tailed test, implied by the alternative hypothesis that ÃŽ ²1≠-3, then the confidence level for the test is 0.075. The p-value is therefore greater that the confidence level and this means that the null hypothesis is not rejected. Conducting the test 10 percent level could change the conclusion on significance. This is because of the associated increment in confidence interval that could extend to cover the critical value. Assuming that Ram (2009) is correct in his model in which openness is a significant factor to government’s expenditure, then expected value of error term in the model that omitted the openness variable cannot be zero and the expression is not valid. This is because of effects openness that was factored in the error term and meant that what was perceived to be the error term was not error but effects of an unidentified variable. Even though both models leads to rejection of the null hypothesis, the greater absolute t-statistic from model two offers better evidence for rejecting the null hypothesis because it would ensure rejection of the null hypothesis at a greater level of precision than would model 1. The greater absolute value of the statistic in model two explains this because greater statistic than a reference value implies significance. Suppose population is added to model 1, then
Monday, February 3, 2020
Back to reality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1
Back to reality - Essay Example The primary focus of this paper, therefore, is to examine potential challenges that organizations may encounter while developing sourcing strategies and the issues they would need to consider developing relationships with key suppliers, and providing suggestions about how these problems might be addressed or mitigated. Background The firms in Europe and US often outsourced Asian countries with lower production cost such as china which is estimated to host over 6600 companies which have been outsourced there (Wright, 2009). As such, it is common to have a firm dealing with electronics, but it has subcontracted and outside source to handle the transport and logistics of the finished products to the market, another case can be a firm dealing with vehicles, but it only supplies the parts and subcontracts an outside source to deal with the assembling. This, however, does not come without challenges, a firms relationship with its suppliers is hence vital in promoting productivity and effec tiveness, having a third part supply resources or services that are critical in the final products of the firm requires considerable mutual trust and understanding. It is hence incumbent of any organization to apply the best and most practical sourcing strategies to meet their goals and objectives. Sourcing strategies by definition are the process an organization undertakes to ensure they have the best suppliers and they nurture the supplier relationships to maximize the value for the firm (Rendon, 2005). As such, most organizations have sourcing programs that are unique to their needs, services or the goods offered, notably while, some have deliberately puts these strategies others use them without being aware of it. Such is to say that organizations have sourcing strategy whether they know it or not, this is because owning to the nature of their business, over the year a firm will repeatedly uses the strategies that have proven successful in retrospect and by so doing will be foll owing a covert sourcing strategy. Like any other strategy, a sourcing strategy can be; â€Å"Strategic†, ergo effective, goal and objective oriented, on the other hand, depending on the competence of those managing the firm, it can be ineffective and inefficient. Naturally, each is an ideal extreme since no firm can be very efficient and neither can any firm be fully inefficient and yet continue to exist (Wheaton, 2008). As such, most strategies lie somewhere between with the best being closest to efficient and vice versa, sourcing program can either be â€Å"strategic†or meet its goals and objectives or it can be unproductive, ineffective, and poorly planned (Wheaton, 2008). Considering that the cost, quality and effectiveness of the goods or raw materials a firm is supplied with is directly reflected in its financial and operational results, it is only natural that thought and effort and time be devoted in the understanding of the various challenges that firms may e ncounter in the process and their possible solutions. Challenges and Solutions Creating Competition One of the considerations a firm needs to make before it commences any business transaction with supplies or outside sources is the potential for the supplier to become competition in posterity. This is because by taking these contracts,
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Trends in Fast Food Consumption
Trends in Fast Food Consumption Fast food is food which is prepared and served at a fast-food restaurant or shop at low cost. Fast food is often processed and prepared in an industrial fashion (i.e., with standard ingredients and methodical cooking and production method). It is served usually in bags or cartoons in a manner in order to save costs. Fast food outlets often provide take-away food in addition to a dine-in service. Drive-through, could be found in some fast food restaurant, allow food to be ordered and delivered without leaving the car to speed up the service. Fast food is usually finger food that can be eaten quickly and without cutlery needed (using bare hand). Fast food often offers fish and chip, sandwiches, hamburger, french fries, chicken nuggets, pizza, and ice cream. Moreover, many fast food restaurants offer some other easily consumed choices like, mashed potato, or salads. Chinese cuisine, although the food could be served as take-away, is not always a fast food. Because of its convenience, fast food is successfully popular in most modern society; however, it is often criticized for having alleged shortcoming, for example: It has poor nutritive value, It contributes to obesity, It uses exploitative advertising and marketing. The unhealtiness of fast food, pointing one, comes from cooking method. Fast food tends to be deep-fried which resulting high amount of fats and calories. To illustrate this complaints, the documentary film Super Size Me, had the director eat nothing but McDonalds without exercise within 30days. Due to the combination of food and lack of exercise, his health was impacted. In order to overcome those health issues, some of the largest fast food chains are beginning to incorporate healthier alternatives, adding salads and fruits to their menus. However, some people are unbelieving about this, seeing it as tokenistic and commercial measure, rather than appropriate reaction about peoples health. The rapid growth of the fast food industry during the last decade has added another dimension to the change in food consumption pattern of Malaysians. The Westernisation of global eating habits, make possible through food imports, fast food and rising consumption of sugars and animals fats, is often blamed for the rising epidemic of obesity and associated chronic disease (Gopalan C. 1992). The fast food industry in Malaysia had a sizzling growth throughout most of the 1990s. The total sales were RM1 billion (US$ 263million) in 1997 increasing to RM 1,3 billion (US$ 340 million) in 2000(The Edge, 2001). Some of the major fast food companies in Malaysia and their estimated sales for the year 2000 are shown in table 1. Table 1 Fast food companies in Malaysia a selected list Brand (origin) Year established Number of outlets Market share(%) Sales (US$million)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ KFC (USA) 1973 294 45 152.3 McDonalds (USA) 1982 141 30 92.0 Pizza Hut (USA) 1984 85 8 31.6 A W (USA) 1961 44 4 19.1 Marrybrown (local) 1981 88 4 NA Sugar Bun (local) 1981 45 * 9.5 Kenny Roger (USA) 1994 25 * 9.5 *all others combined = 9% à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ US$ 1.00 = RM 3.80 NA not available. Source : The EDGE. (2001) Still sizzling? Survey Guide, pp. 59-63 Psychologically, adults develop their independence, and try and fit into their social circle. Peer and working pressure may cause them to choose soft drinks instead of milk, skipping meals because of their duties. Adults want to develop independence and make choices for themselves (they choose what and where to eat and drink). Truswell AS (ABC of Nutrition, 1999) has suggested the following eating behaviour as common in adults, such as, skipping meals (being on a diet), eating snack, consuming high amount of fast food, consuming convenience food, drinking high amount of alcohol and soft drinks. Trends in Food Consumption Income and population, coupled with changes in lifestyle to one of urbanisation, have increased the demand for food and convinced changes in food habits, food purchasing, and consumption patterns (Noor MI, 2002). Food balance sheet data are useful to indicate trends of food intake pattern rather than consumption per se in the absence of nation-wide food consumption surveys. The intake pattern of calories increased from 2430 kcal person-1 day -1 in 1961 to 2990 kcal person-1 day-1 in 1997, protein from 49g person-1 day-1 to 61g person-1 day-1, and fat from 49g person-1 day-1 to 87g person-1 day-1 (Food and Agriculture Organization, (1961-1997)). The food balance sheet also revealed that, from 1961 to 1997, the amount of calories obtained from cereals decreased from 61% to 41%, meanwhile, calories from meat, eggs and fish increased from 6.2% to 14,3% sweeteners from 9.5% to 18%, and oils and fats from 11.% to 14.8% (Table2) Table2 Changes in sources of calories in Malaysia, 1961-1997 Year 1961-63 1970-72 1979-81 1988-90 1997 Cereals 61 57 48.6 40.0 41.0 Starchy roots 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.9 1.9 Vegetables fruits 4.2 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 Pulses 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Meat, fish, eggs 6.2 6.7 9.5 12.4 14.3 Milk, excluding butter 2.9 2.9 3.8 3.8 3.8 Sweeteners 9.5 12.4 12.4 13.2 18.0 Oils fats 11.4 12.4 17.1 21.0 14.8 Miscellaneous 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.4 Source : Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), (1961-1997). The Ministry of Agriculture reported that per capita consumption of major food commodities between the years 1985 and 2000 as shown in table 3. The trend learnt, where there is a shift towards an affluent diet that is high in energy-dense foods and rich in fats at the expense of complex carbohydrate foods, is consistent with the increased national wealth. The report also revealed a doubled increase in imported food from US$ 909 million in 1985 to US$ 2 billion in 1995. Food intake studies In the absence of nation-wide food consumption surveys, this report is able to highlight some selected studies which are conducted in the last several decades. A household food consumption survey in poverty villages reported a mean energy intake of 1874 kcal, of which 12% if the total energy was obtained from protein, 18% from fats and 70% from carbohydrates (Chong YH, Tee ES, Ng TKW, et al. 1984). A study by Chee SS, Ismail MN, Ng KK, et al.(1997). In poor villages, using 3-day food record, reported a similar mean energy intake of 1871 kcal with a difference in the constituents, 13% of the total energy from protein, 20% from fats and 67% from carbohydrates. Their study also expressed a significant difference in mean energy intakes of urban (1718 kcal) and rural woman (1711 kcal) were similar, fat contributed 30% of the total calories in the urban subjects compared with 29% in the rural counterparts. An examination of the fat composition of the Malaysian urban populations diet by che mical analysis, using a 7-day rotation menu, revealed that the diet provided 2300 kcal obtained from 66g of total fat ( 51g of vegetable fats and 15g of animal fats), 36g of protein and 360g of carbohydrates (Tony NKW, 1995) Table 3 Per capita consumption (kg year-1) of major food commodities, 1985-2000 Year Item 1985 1990 1995 2000 Crops Rice 102.2 89.8 86.9 85.7 Vegetables 42.4 45.4 48.5 52.0 Fruits 39.7 44.3 49.9 53.5 Livestock Beef 2.4 3.2 4.3 5.3 Mutton 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 Poultry 14.6 19.0 30.0 35.3 Pork 10.1 12.0 13.2 8.1 Eggs 11.4 15.7 16.4 16.8 Milk* 37.2 37.7 51.5 53.0 Foodfish 33.4 34.8 39.1 49.0 Food imports (US$ million) 909 1205 2017 NA *Milk per capita consumption in litres per year. NA not available. Source : Ministry of Agriculture. (1999)
Friday, January 17, 2020
Lamentation by Byzantine Painters and Jacob Cornelius
Lamentation by Byzantine painters and Jacob Cornelist. Van Oostsanen So- called Lamentations are generally scenes of great soberness and sadness. Byzantine painters and Jacob narrates the same story with different style of painting and in different period. Both painters strove to make utterly convincing an emotionally charged realization of the theme. Both artists presented lamentation scene in more a natural setting and people in the image are fully modeled. They included crying Mary and other religious representation to tell their audience the story is taken from bible. Both painting share the same biblical subject yet differ in a significant ways that show their respective embodiments of the 12th and 16th century styles. Byzantine painter presented their work on the wall painting style in the church, which is one of the oldest in Macedonia and was built and painted in 1164 under the patronage of Byzantine prince Alexios Komnenos. The church is most famous for it's exceptional fresco paintings, which convey dramatic facial expressions and emotions not commonly found in Byzantine art. It was dedicated to saint Panteleimon. Byzantine painters embellished the church of saint Pantaleimon with murals of great emotional power. One of these, Lamentation, is a paint of passionate grief over the dead Christ. This scene actually represents a novelty in Byzantine wall painting because of its dramatic realism. This masterpiece narrates the history in a New Testament. Central place in the composition of the drama takes Christ while Joseph Arimatean, Nicodemus, Mary, and John are participant. Holy mother of God kissed the dead face of Christ, Joseph supports the body of Christ, John, who is the beloved apostle of Christ, bent down and he took Jesus hand to put it on his face, and Nicodemus who kneeled and with both hand he hold the pliers with which retrieves nails of the feet of Christ nailed to the cross. The painting shows their attitudes, expressions and gestures of sadness. Symbol of the Virgin Mary to her dead son is handed realistic, real-life scene shown, with an emphasis on human feelings. She is closest to Christ body than other Jesus followers shown on the image. She put her right hand under Christ neck and the other hand just below his chest. She put her face against her dead son. Looking at her face, I can see she is quit emotional and cannot hide her feeling and grief instead she showed it by crying. John, who was the Christ disciple, also shows his deep feeling and sadness through his facial expression. The body of dead Christ also clearly shows he is dead. His body is proportional, slim and relaxed and his eyes are closed which reveal he is dead. The image of dead Christ doesn’t show his suffering clearly. His body is muscular and clear of any wound. The wall above this scene is painted with blue color, which represents the sky color. In the sky there are angles watching over dead Christ. The main focus of the painter of this masterpiece is the lamentation, which describes the deep emotional feeling of Christ followers because of death. The actor in the picture showed emotional impact of Christ’s death for viewer. On the hand, the Holland woodcuts and painter of sixteenth century called Jacob Cornelisz Van Oostsanen presented the same scene with significantly different way. This work was painted using tempera and oil on panel. In the byzantine painters primary attention is the lamentation of Christ and the emotion of his followers but here in the Van Oostsanen’s the emotional outpouring of Mary and Christ’s disciples seems secondary to the attention paid by the artist to the fashionably ostentatious headdresses and billowing drapery depicted here. He added little to show the painting’s emotional impact. Even though byzantine painters are good in showing the emotional impact they did not clearly show the sign were Jesus was nailed on the cross. Van Oostsanen, on the other hand, showed the sign were Christ was nailed to the cross. The Van Oostsanen paint is more decorative with clothing and building style, which overshadow the emotional expression due to the scene. On the back of the painting there are two crosses one with person on the cross and the other cross is without a person and the ladder is inclined against it. The empty ladder is where Jesus was crucified. Most of the actors in this painting are not emotional and Mary is crying but not really emotional. The skin color of this painting is more realistic than the byzantine painters used. In Van Oostsanen’s painting the face of the actors are little disproportionate. They have small and circular face. In byzantine painting Mary is very closely touching her son, however in the van Oostsanen painting she is sitting away for her son body and hold her son hand. The angles are also presented in the byzantine painting but in Van Oostsanen there is no angle representation. There is small figure in the lower left, which may represent the person who commissioned the painting. In general, the painter was so talented and able to bring the picture alive with innovative movements, luxuriant, drapery, and careful balancing between relaxation and tension. Just like Van Oostsanen painting, Byzantine artist also showed the event around them through engraving to offer visual proof of emotion of human affection. The two painting are well done to show the lamentation of Christ. Although these artworks are done in different location and period, there are huge similarities in telling the biblical story. Both painters showed us the emotional human expression.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Merger Of Airtran By Southwest Airlines - 1910 Words
THE MERGER OF AIRTRAN BY SOUTHWEST AIRLINES: WILL THE ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURES MERGE? Date: Sep 13, 2014 Harshdeep Sikarwar Critical facts †¢ Southwest Airline Co. is nation’s largest airline company established in June 18, 1971 headquartered in Dallas, Texas, with a 41 year continuous profitability record.[1] Southwest before Merger †¢ Even in the one of the worst year of American history, with an ongoing recession Southwest was able to maintain its profitability for consecutive 38th year in 2010. †¢ Southwest had approximately 34,500 employees by June 30, 2010(2) with 15,069 flight, 2,464 maintenance, 15,205 ground, 2,163 management, accounting clerical personals.[2] †¢ In 2010 with the net income of $459 million, excluding special items it achieved 285% profit increase from the last year, $600 million bank line of credit and 40% debt to total capital.[2] †¢ Acquiring Morris Air and Muse Air in 1980’s Southwest emerged as one of the market leader in the American domestic aviation industry.[2] Current Southwest †¢ 9th most admired company in the world – Fortune magazine, on the top in customer satisfaction – Consumer report’s survey, nation’s first company to provide online ticketing.[1] †¢ By December 31, 2013 Southwest’s 44,831 employees handling 3,600 flights daily, 96 destination across 41 states of United States.[1] †¢ Whooping total net income of $754 million, which was nearly double the performance of 2012 with a record increase of 95%, grossed $17.7 billion inShow MoreRelatedThe Merger Of Airtran By Southwest Airlines1234 Words  | 5 PagesTitle of Case: THE MERGER OF AIRTRAN BY SOUTHWEST AIRLINES: WILL THE ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURES MERGE? Date: 09/14/2014 Name: Sagar Mehta. Critical Facts: â€Å"On Sept. 27, 2010, Southwest Airlines announced it would purchase AirTran Holdings in a $1.42 billion deal that will expand the nation s largest low-cost airline to 37 new cities.†(Young) â€Å"After Merger â€Å"Southwest becomes the nation’s fourth largest airline†. The AirTran merger would give Southwest new or expanded presence in 63 markets includingRead MoreSouthwest Airline Merger With AirTran Essay1450 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Southwest Airlines has come from an underdog to being one of the best airlines in the industry. This reputation translates from its strategic management of resources. The Co-founder and former CEO, Herb Kelleher, established a unique corporate culture that leads to high customer satisfaction, employees’ morale, and one of the most profitable airlines in the industry (Jackson et al., 2012). The corporate culture concentrates on empowerment the workforce. 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My recommended strategy for Southwest to pursue, is to merge with Air-Tran and expand into areas where Air-Tran has a heavy presence and Southwest has none. With Southwest having a weak presence in the southeastern U.S., a key area to expand would be Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International, which is the busiest airport in the U.S. There is obviously a need for the low air-fare company at this site. Southwest’sRead MoreSouthwest Airline Has Changed The Company Or Foreseeable Problems Essay1227 Words  | 5 Pagescontinues the same path that Herb Kelleher put in motion that there should be no major setbacks to the company or foreseeable problems. Southwest’s Strategies Goals Met On October, 2016 Southwest Airline has scheduled flights to 98 destinations in 41 states, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Central American and the Caribbean. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Free Essay - Original Writing - 1881 Words
And while Boris scalds himself with whisky she says: Sit down here! O Boris †¦ Russia †¦ what ll I do? I m bursting with it! At night when I look at Boris goatee lying on the pillow I get hysterical. O Tania, where now is that warm cunt of yours, those fat, heavy garters, those soft, bulging thighs? There is a bone in my prick six inches long. I will ream out every wrinkle in your cunt, Tania, big with seed. I will send you home to your Sylvester with an ache in your belly and your womb turned inside out. Your Sylvester! Yes, he knows how to build a fire, but I know how to inflame a cunt. I shoot hot bolts into you, Tania, I make your ovaries incandescent. Your Sylvester is a little jealous now? He feels something, does he? He feels†¦show more content†¦Shutters drawn, shops barred. A red glow here and there to mark a tryst. Brusque the facades, almost forbidding; immaculate except for the splotches of shadow cast by the trees. Passing by the Orangerie I am reminded of another Paris, the Paris of Maugham, of Gauguin, Paris of George Moore. I think of that terrible Spaniard who was then startling the world with his acrobatic leaps from style to style. I think of Spengler and of his terrible pronunciamentos, and I wonder if style, style in the grand manner, is done for. I say that my mind is occupied with these thoughts, but it is not true; it is only later, after I have crossed the Seine, after I have put behind me the carnival of lights, that I allow my mind to play with these ideas. For the moment I can think of nothing – except that I am a sentient being stabbed by the miracle of these waters that reflect a forgotten world. All along the banks the trees lean heavily over the tarnished mirror; when the wind rises and fills them with a rustling murmur they will shed a few tears and shiver as the water swirls by. I am suffocated by it. No one to whom I can communicate even a fraction of my feelings†¦ The trouble with Irà ¨ne is that she has a valise instead of a cunt. She wants fat letters to shove in her valise. Immense, avec des choses inou?es. Llona now, she had a cunt. I know because she sent us some hairs from down below. Llona – a wild ass snuffing pleasure out of the wind. On every high
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