Saturday, November 30, 2019
Virginia Tech Massacre free essay sample
Samantha Mackowiak Dr. Kozlowski English 2 D 14 May 2009 A Destructible Outcome to a Preventable Cause: The Reasons of the Virginia Tech Massacre Volcanoes, hurricanes, and tornadoes are unpreventable disasters in nature. Society goes along day by day knowing that they can occur and there is nothing we can do about it because it is not our place to control. Shootings, however, are preventable. Our law enforcement holds the power to grant and take away weapons, but still so many people are able to acquire these items and use them for their own ill will. Due to the previous lack in gun control in the US, Cho Seuing-Hui was able to massacre 33 people at Virginia Tech University on April 17, 2007, despite the fact he had clearly been an unstable candidate for possession of a weapon, and only after this horrible atrocity was committed were the gun laws finally made stricter and more conservative and were campus security and safety officially readjusted to keep closer watch on mentally ill students. We will write a custom essay sample on Virginia Tech Massacre or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Many people have believed that Cho Seung-Hui had been unstable from the time he was born. He dismissed himself as an attribute to society. Seung-Hui’s childhood had been one of scorn and ridicule and he had been trapped in a generational warp. His peers did not accept him for his Korean-American ethnicity. Seung-Hui’s parents sent him to Christian youth camps that only darkened him. While he was there, he was not saved from the harassment from others or the mocking that was brought upon him. It is believed that somewhere, somehow there was a great deal of emotional stress plunged upon Seung-Hui that caused his feelings of alienation to increase drastically (Making of a Massacre p. 4-7). Professors and researchers believed Seung-Hui’s mental disposition may have been caused by overwhelming pressure from academics. Seung-Hui’s parents had immigrated from Korea in hopes of him being able to pursue the American dream through the increasing education opportunities. In addition to the already high standards his parents had for him, the Seung-Hui’s only wanted Cho to attend an Ivy League school (Making of a Massacre p. 9-10). The increasing stress on Cho eventually led to him having breakdowns during school. He would sit in the back of classrooms and shut away from everyone. His parents attempted to get him help, but he was already too far gone. As Seung-Hui grew older, he was accepted into Virginia Tech University. Virginia Tech was not the Ivy League school his parents had dreamed of, but they were still proud of his accomplishments of being accepted. People say around this time, Seung-Hui was finally being accepted. He was often invited to parties and outings with people in his classes or from around his dorm. At the outings however, Seung-Hui would remain expressionless and not talk about personal experiences. When he did speak, they were ridiculing, twisted, and perverted remarks. Pretty soon, he began sending harassing text messages to girls which led to him to be reported as a stalker (Shute, Nancy p. 1). His fellow college mates were highly scared of him. The signs that Seung-Hui may have had psychological problems were becoming more and more evident. In 2005, he was hospitalized as a suicide risk and released when he convinced a judge he wouldn’t kill himself. (Shute, Nancy p. 2) He wrote poems pertaining to death and took pictures of his fellow classmates from under his desk. His antics caused students to stop attending classes to be able to avoid him. When asked to clean the content of his poetry or drop the class himself, he responded to his teacher, â€Å"You can’t make me,†(Making of a Massacre p. 14-19). Lucinda Roy was the teacher of this creative writing course at Virginia Tech. She had eye witnessed the fear Seung-Hui consistently instilled in his classmates and even herself. On numerous occasions she attempted talking with him. She wanted to discuss opportunities for therapy or group counseling. After a few months, Roy gave up on trying to help Seung-Hui. She labeled him as obnoxious and rude. Furthermore, she notified the Division of Student Affairs, the Cook Counseling Center, the Schiffert Health Center, the Virginia Tech Police, and the College of Liberal Arts and Human Science of Seung-Hui’s strange behavior (Making of a Massacre p. 22-25). The debate over guns and gun control violence has been disputed for ages and as a result of the Virginia Tech shootings where 33 students were murdered, gun control laws began to change sporadically. When shootings like Virginia Tech happen, where the murderer is a mentally unstable person who has access to the weapon, the debate usually reignites. However, the cases are usually not strong enough to actually have a significant change on the gun control laws. There was an exception after the shootings however because Cho Seung-Hui had been ordered to undergo outpatient therapy a few days earlier, clearly making him an unstable candidate to own any sort of weapons. Because of the state of Virginia never sending this information to the national background check system, Cho was allowed to buy the weapons with ease. Within weeks of the shootings, Rep. John Dingell and Rep. Carolyn McCarthy introduced a bill. The NRA supported their efforts. However, the vice president of the National Rifle Associatian (NRA), Wayne LaPierre, thought the law focused enough on gun control stating, â€Å"We’ve always been vigilant about protecting the rights of law-abiding citizens to purchase guns, and equally vigilant about keeping guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally defective and people who shouldn’t have them†(Second Amendment pp. 6). Others also had great distaste for the bill. The bill stated that the rights of gun-purchasing for veterans who had been diagnosed with mental problems could be used as a way of obtaining disability benefits. The NRA has said that around 80,000 veterans have been placed in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) background check system since it has been created. If veterans want their gun privileges back, all they have to do is show that they are not a threat to society and have been treated for their illnesses and have since recovered (Second Amendment pp. 7). Dingell and McCarthy’s law also asked that all funds from the NICS would not be used for purposes other than gun control. There were many protesters to the bill being passed, but in the US House of Representatives there was only one protester, Rep. Ron Paul from Texas, who believed the gun control law would be against the second amendment. The bill was officially passed in December of 2007 being signed off into law on January 8, 2008 (Second Amendment pp. 10). The effect that the Virginia Tech shooting had on the United States was overwhelming. The nation was in fear for terrorists and people just like Cho Seung-Hui. Many students refused to go to their classes, and many students families took them out of schools for weeks to avoid a tragedy like that of Virginia Tech. The emotional disrupt it caused families and friends alike was heart wrenching. College campuses were supposed to be a safe place to send your children, the starting of their own lives separate from their parent, and at Virginia Tech in that month of April, college campuses became a place of fear. Some people still grieve the losses of Virginia Tech today and each year Virginia Tech still holds a memorial service to those who were murdered by the lack of gun control in our society today. Gun control was not the only issue that administrators and government began to correct. University administrators and campus mental health counselors across the country began to re- examine the issues of treatment for mentally ill students (Shute, Nancy p. 3). While many students are going off to college with illnesses such as schizophrenia, administrators cannot say anything to anyone unless they find the student to be a clear threat. That does not help many people’s consciences and fears. Many colleges fear they are doing too little to help prevent major disasters from happening. Edward Shapiro, a psychiatrist from Massachusetts stated that, â€Å"The legal system and the medical system conspire to leave these kids more alone than they should be†¦If the kid isn’t failing courses, if they’re not hassling people, and they’re doing their work, there’s not much the colleges can do†(Shute, Nancy p. 5). This rationalization leaves many counselors in the dark as to what means of caution they can take with students. However, many schools now try harder to identify students who seem depressed with the intent of luring them in for treatment and rehabilitation. When these actions fail, campuses revert to mandatory medical withdrawal even though that it not the solution and can lead to lawsuits (Shute, Nancy p. 7). The only solution that is felt acceptable by any is encouragement for the medically ill student to take a semi-vacation and –as many colleges hope for- keeping the student at home and sending them to nearby colleges. Although some of the effects of the Virginia Tech Massacre are still in the process of being passed and ratified, the good things that will come after they are accepted will be exuberant.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Art of the Civil Rights Movement
Art of the Civil Rights Movement The Civil Rights Era of the 1950s and 1960s was a time in Americas history of ferment, change, and sacrifice as many people fought, and died, for racial equality. As the nation celebrates and honors the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Jan. 15, 1929) on the third Monday of January each year, it is a good time to recognize the artists of different races and ethnicities who responded to what was happening during the years of the 50s and 60s with work that still powerfully expresses the turmoil and injustice of that period. These artists created works of beauty and meaning in their chosen medium and genre that continue to speak compellingly to us today as the struggle for racial equality continues. Witness: Art and Civil Rights in the Sixties at the Brooklyn Museum of Art In 2014, 50 years after the establishment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, the Brooklyn Museum of Art hosted an exhibit called Witness: Art and Civil Rights in the Sixties. The political artworks in the exhibit helped promote the Civil Rights Movement. The exhibit included work by 66 artists, some well-known, such as Faith Ringgold, Norman Rockwell, Sam Gilliam, Philip Guston, and others, and included painting, graphics, drawing, assemblage, photography, and sculpture, along with written reflections by the artists. The work can be seen here and here. According to Dawn Levesque in the article, Artists of the Civil Rights Movement: A Retrospective, The Brooklyn Museum curator, Dr. Teresa Carbone, was surprised at how much of the exhibits work has been overlooked from well-known studies about the 1960s. When writers chronicle the Civil Rights Movement, they often neglect the political artwork of that period. She says, its the intersection of art and activism. As stated on the Brooklyn Museum website about the exhibit: â€Å"The 1960s was a period of dramatic social and cultural upheaval, when artists aligned themselves with the massive campaign to end discrimination and bridged racial borders through creative work and acts of protest. Bringing activism to bear in gestural and geometric abstraction, assemblage, Minimalism, Pop imagery, and photography, these artists produced powerful works informed by the experience of inequality, conflict, and empowerment. In the process, they tested the political viability of their art, and originated subjects that spoke to resistance, self-definition, and blackness.†Faith Ringgold and the American People, Black Light Series Faith Ringgold (b. 1930), included in the exhibit, is a particularly inspirational American artist, author, and teacher who was pivotal to the Civil Rights Movement and is known primarily for her narrative quilts of the late 1970s. However, before that, in the 1960s, she did a series of important but less well-known paintings exploring race, gender, and class in her American People series (1962-1967) and Black Light series (1967-1969). The National Museum of Women in the Arts exhibited 49 of Ringgolds Civil Rights paintings in 2013 in a show called America People, Black Light: Faith Ringgolds Paintings of the 1960s. These works can be seen here. Throughout her career Faith Ringgold has used her art to express her opinions on racism and gender inequality, creating powerful works that have helped bring awareness of racial and gender inequality to many, both young and old. She has written a number of childrens books, including the award-winning beautifully illustrated Tar Beach. You can see more of Ringgolds childrens books here. See videos of Faith Ringgold on MAKERS, the largest video collection of womens stories, speaking about her art and activism. Norman Rockwell and Civil Rights Even Norman Rockwell, the well-known painter of idyllic American scenes, painted a series of Civil Rights Paintings and was included in the Brooklyn exhibit. As Angelo Lopez writes in her article, Norman Rockwell and the Civil Rights Paintings, Rockwell was influenced by close friends and family to paint some of the problems of American society rather than merely the wholesome sweet scenes he had been doing for the Saturday Evening Post. When Rockwell began working for Look Magazine he was able to do scenes expressing his views on social justice. One of the most famous was The Problem We All Live With, which shows the drama of school integration. Arts of the Civil Rights Movement at the Smithsonian Institution Other artists and visual voices for the Civil Rights Movement can be seen through a collection of art from the Smithsonian Institution. The program, Oh Freedom! Teaching African American Civil Rights Through American Art at the Smithsonian, teaches the history of the Civil Rights movement and the struggles for racial equality beyond the 1960s through the powerful images that artists created. The website is an excellent resource for teachers, with descriptions of the artwork along with its meaning and historical context, and a variety of lesson plans to use in the classroom.  Teaching students about the Civil Rights Movement is as important today as ever, and expressing political views through art remains a powerful tool in the struggle for equality and social justice.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Fall of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Events
Fall of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Events The Ottoman Empire was one of the world’s most enduring empires, surviving for 623 years under 39 sultans beginning with the empire’s namesake, Osman I, and formally ending with the foundation of the modern republic of Turkey on October 29, 1923. Even though the end of the Ottoman Empire can be identified with a specific date, like the Romans and Byzantines before them the Ottomans suffered a long period of stagnation and decline, and one common theme that connects most of the factors that contributed to the demise of the empire is the economy. Interference from foreign powers, ethnic and sectarian unrest among the empire’s diverse population, and political infighting among the Ottoman ruling class all played a role in bringing the empire to an end, and all were caused, in one way or another, by economic circumstances. Looking at these factors today, many parallels with events in our own time become apparent, which, depending on one’s point of view, can be either a hopeful sign for our own future or a warning about the folly of letting history repeat itself. A Bad Business Model The Ottoman Empire suffered from a historically inevitable problem that affects every empire: as it expanded, reaching its greatest extent in the mid-17th century, its political administration became increasingly decentralized. It was only natural for the Ottomans, as a hereditary monarchy, to treat leadership positions in the provinces and small political units as a form of patronage for key supporters of the throne, but they also recognized the danger of letting local power grow too much. Thus it was typical for leaders to be appointed to positions far from their homes: Muhammad Ali, for example, the founder of modern Egypt, was an Albanian military commander. In theory, the outsiders placed as local leaders should have owed their allegiance to Istanbul rather than the local elite being made subjects of the empire; in practice, however, local rulers were given so much authority – such as responsibility for tax collection, local defense, and infrastructure development – that they had little reason to be loyal to anyone but themselves: Muhammad Ali is perhaps the best example of this; appointed Viceroy of Egypt by the Sultan after coming out on top of a fierce and confusing struggle among tribal leaders and Ottoman officers in the province, Ali found himself strong enough to challenge the Ottomans directly while nominally remaining loyal to the empire. His power grew to the extent that the British, French, and Russian governments agreed to impose a declaration of Ali’s hereditary rule in Egypt on the Ottoman government in 1841. The Ottoman Empire essentially became a loose confederation of relatively strong little kingdoms; loyal to Istanbul when it suited their purposes, but otherwise practically independent. Read more about history essays: 50 Ideas for History Essay Topics US History Essay History Essay Writing Further eroding the ability of the Sultanate to effectively manage the empire was the basic economic model, the waqf, underlying its public administration. Waqf is an Islamic principle whereby property is made â€Å"inalienable†by a grant of its owner, with whatever profits arising from the property afterward being devoted to charity in accordance with Islamic tradition. In the Ottoman Empire, the waqf was used for most public works – roads, ports, hospitals, and other public facilities – rather than these things being developed directly through tax revenues; the justification for this was that the Sultanate, as the nominal leadership of the Muslim faith (or at least most of it) was a worthy recipient of the waqf as it ensured the â€Å"profit†was used for the greater good of the Ottoman people. The problems with this model is that first of all, it left the administration of public works in private hands, and second, it was wholly insufficient for the empire to keep up with its European rivals in terms of economic development. Moreover, it further eroded the opportunities for the Sultanate to collect taxes since many waqf grants were made as payments in kind. An Empire Drowning in Debt Lacking a sufficient resource base, the Sultanate was increasingly forced to turn to foreign borrowing to fund its administrative functions and military expenditures. Unrest throughout the Ottoman Empire and a seemingly-endless string of military adventures involving the other European powers sapped what financial resources the Sultanate had left; between the end of the Crimean War in 1854 and the accession of Abdulhamid II in 1876, debt service grew to account for roughly half of the empire’s yearly income. The Vienna stock market crash of 1873 and the ensuing â€Å"Long Depression†was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back – the new Sultan was forced to declare bankruptcy, which in turn helped to provoke another brief, disastrous war with Russia, the end of which in 1878 further eroded Ottoman financial strength by removing about 20% of its population and 40% of its remaining territory. In 1881, frustrated European powers established a Public Debt Commission in Istanbul to oversee the repayment of the Ottoman’s foreign debt. The taxes levied by the Commission created dire economic hardship in the empire, driving up prices on all manner of goods and services, and further reducing the Sultanate’s revenue base – for example, the entire yearly tribute or treaty payments of Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, and Montenegro were collected by the Commission instead of the Ottoman government. Modern Parallels By 1908, a growing rebellion within the Ottoman military forced Abdulhamid II from the throne, and within the next few years the outbreak of World War I put the final few nails in the Ottoman Empire’s coffin. What is most interesting about the decline of the empire in the years leading up to the revolution of 1908 and the disastrous outcome of the First World War is how many of the critical problems suffered by the Ottoman Empire seem to be repeating themselves. Countries such as Greece and Spain find themselves mired in foreign debt, and at the mercy of European powers’ direction of their sovereign economies. All around the world, in developing nations as well as highly-developed countries like the US, increasing privatization of public institutions has not only led to an erosion of public services but paradoxically, less efficient collection and spending of public revenues. And while the entire world struggles with economic threats to sovereign stability, small – but expensive – military conflicts persist in draining countries’ resources. The hopeful outlook would be that by studying the decline and collapse of the Ottoman Empire, we could learn how to avoid the same pitfalls; history suggests that humanity on the whole, however, may not be all that good at learning from its own mistakes.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Pornography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Pornography - Essay Example Lynne uses his experience as a civil rights campaigner, and his understanding of the constitution, to argue that those who make and use pornography have unalienable constitutional rights. By approaching pornography in this manner, Lynn challenges previous defenses of this subject, who have mainly focused upon aspects of the Freedom of Speech. Lynn firstly addresses the issue of campaigns by groups attempting to challenge non-pornographic works: "All this is of concern because of the belief that speech, written or visual, has the power to alter (or at least reinforce), perceptionsthus to shape attitudes and in the long run, actions" (Lynn, page 366). Lynn points out that the First amendment prevents such efforts to coerce government into limiting free speech, while admitting that those who believe in free speech also believe in the ability of that speech to change people's minds, or alter their opinions. (Lynn, 366). This, then is Lynn's conception of the battleground between those who wish to ban pornography, and those who believe it should continue to be allowed: do words and images have enough power to permanently affect a person's attitude Lynn considers the position of certain groups of feminists (Lynn, 366), who have picketed pornographic films; and others which have used civil rights laws to make those who produce or sell pornography uncomfortable about doing so, resulting in a reduction in those making or selling such items. Lynn adds that these laws would include scenarios including those where women are "'presented as sexual objects who enjoy pain or humiliation' to those which depict women in 'posturesof servility or submission or display'". Of course, not all of those images involve women being treated badly, and it is this conception of pornography by those opposed which disturbs many who are not opposed. Lynn states that the definition of pornography is not objective, and that it is as much of a loaded phrases as other anti-pornography words and descriptions. Lynn does not believe that pornographic images or words are responsible for the behavior of those who make or watch them. In his view, pornographers are as entitled to constitutional speech, insisting that it is necessary to understand that pornography is a communication. While it may not communicate primarily though words, he says, this is no restriction to citing the constitution in its defense. Providing evidence that other laws have upheld this non-linguistic speech: "The courtupheld the claim that live nude dancing was "Speech", and lower courts have accorded First Amendment protection to the 'emotive'communication of rock and roll (Lynn, 368). Though Lynn's argument, the defense of the rights of pornographic communication is the defense of the rights of many other forms of communication which are similarly non-verbal. Lynn also uses another of speculative methods to suggest that pornography has a positive role to play in creating images of women, being especially important in revealing the sexual needs or desires of older women, differently abled women, and those of shape and size not usually depicted in films or novels, and even invokes feminists in support of this idea: "Depictions or ways of living and acting that are radically different from our own can enlarge the range of human possibilities open to us" (Lynn, 368). After arguing for the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
A restaurant chain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
A restaurant chain - Essay Example Another important source of its revenue includes profits earned from its operated restaurants. In the year 2011, the company was able to make a profit of 5.5 billion dollars, and this amounted to annual revenue of 27.5 billion dollars2. The primary business line of McDonalds includes cheeseburgers, milkshakes, desserts, soft drinks, French fries, cheeseburgers, etc. Recently, the business performance of McDonalds has been falling down, reporting a negative growth in its markets, and revenues. For example, in the year 2014, the business performance of McDonalds in Europe and America experienced a slow down3. In Europe, the company posted a negative drop of its financial performance by 1.4%. This is despite depicting a strong financial performance in its UK market. In United States, the company was able to post a drop of its sales by 1%. Another problem facing this company is its weak and inefficient customer service capability4. The company employees are not good at catering for the needs of its customers, and this has an impact in affect the loyalty of the customers towards the business organization. In any organization, employees of the company play an important role in determining whether the company will succeed or not. An efficient and friendly workforce would ensure that they are able to know and serve the needs of its customers, and this is the key to increasing the market share of an organization5. For purposes of improving its financial performance, the management of the company has to solve the above mentioned problems. There are two major methods that the company can use to solve the mentioned problems, and they include, improving its marketing strategy and its customer service capability. However, the company cannot develop an efficient marketing strategy, without having information on the strategies of their competitors, and the needs of its customers. This would therefore force the company to
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Relevance of Earlier Warfare to Modern Warfare Essay Example for Free
Relevance of Earlier Warfare to Modern Warfare Essay The art of War has been the subject of great scholarly activity as the attributes that make a person a skilled Commander in times of War have arose great curiosity amongst statesmen, generals and philosophers alike. More surprisingly, the advent of modern warfare has cast a shadow of fallacy on the minds of many individuals and has made them to believe that the current military professional has nothing to learn from the great commanders of the past as he is too â€Å"well equipped†to dwell on such detail. The truth is that history is the best teacher and as this paper progresses, I will be utilizing historic references to explain my point of contention that there is still a lot to learn from the likes of Fredrick the Great, Napoleon and Ulysses Grant. Argument The first and foremost evidence to support my thesis is that there is similarity between the goals of the current military professional and his counterpart from centuries ago. This similarity is more profound if you find yourself fighting for the same ideals, the same land and the same enemy. It is this similarity between the two that allows the current military professional to reassess himself in light of what is happening today. For example, according to Adam Hart – Davis (2007), the prime reason for the fall of Napoleon was that he invaded Russia, in the year 1812 (P. 179). The Russian Generals tactfully withdrew from territory destroying their own towns, farms, cultivation and infrastructure along the way. A month after defeating the Russians outside Moscow, Napoleon decided to retreat back to Paris out of concern of loss of control. However, his decision to do so in the winter proved fatal as the lack of shelter and infrastructure killed his troops physically and mentally. The Russians kept pursuit of the retreating forces and managed to kill scores of them. By the time Napoleon managed to get back home, all that was left of his army was a demoralized handful of men against an efficiently trained numerous force that had left Paris with him on the way to Russia earlier that year, contributing to his eventual fall in 1815. According to Gilbert (2004), a 130 years on, Hitler made the same mistake when he invaded Russia in 1941 just when the harsh winter started (P. 249). The Russians employed the same strategy and after defeating the Germans at the siege of Moscow and Stalingrad, they chased the retreating German forces back into Germany proper and were instrumental in the fall of Berlin and the end of the Nazi regime itself. Thus, had Hitler paid attention to the fault at which his predecessor had been, there was a great probability that he would not have met the end that he did in 1945. The second point of argument is that although how we conduct warfare these days has changed, the strategy or tactfulness has not. No matter what resources in weaponry and personnel that a general may have at his disposal, there is no denying that as far as tact is concerned, there is always a lot to learn. Consider Fredrick the Great who, in 1756, fearing a joint attack by major European powers including Russia, Sweden, and Hapsburg Austria etc launched a pre-emptive strike on its neighbors. According to The strategy was of immense benefit as he was able to destroy part of the hostile forces that allowed moral and tangible support when confronted by a full scale invasion. According to Adam Hart Davis (2007), the same strategy was followed by Israel in 1967 when on rumors of a joint Arab attack on her lands compelled her to make a pre emptive strike on Egypt, Syria and Jordan (P. 353). The result was that Israel doubled its land area in just six days by capturing the Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank and the Golan heights. Again, what mattered was not the advanced weaponry that Israel had but the line of thought that was mutual between Fredrick the Great in 1756 and the Israeli leadership of 1967. Another example is the use of landscape and climate by the Russian Tsar Alexander in 1812 against Napoleon and by the Russian leader Joseph Stalin in 1941 against Nazi Germany. This use of the climate is yet to be seen again but, according to Adam Hart – Davis (2007), the use of the terrain and the landscape by the Viet-Cong against American forces in Vietnam and the Afghan Guerrillas against Soviet troops in Afghanistan enforces my point that tact is something which can be learned from the great Generals of the past (P. 355, 373-4). The last reason to support my thesis is that the rules of engagement have not changed as weaponry or tools have improved and not changed completely. This calls for a more proactive approach as to how we address the issue at hand, namely, whether the current military professional stand to benefit from the study of the Great generals of the past. Consider an example. The Trojan War, as depicted by Homer in the Iliad and the Odyssey, could be the first example in warfare history of deception. Whereby the Trojan horse was meant to be a gift, it turned out to be a mechanism as to how the Athenian forces enter the city. Contrast this with reports that in the run up to the 2003 Second Gulf War. According to Sifry and Cerf (2007), American intelligence agencies planted false evidence to make Saddam Hussein believe that the coalition attack would come from Turkey and not from the Southern neighboring countries of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia (P. 114). This forced Saddam to place more battalions to defend the Northern front than would have been necessary. Thus, it can be argued that weaponry or tools, to a large extent have remained the same in nature but have changed in form. Guns have replaced swords but their use remains the same. Cannon guns have been replaced but their use remains the same. The Trojan horse has been replaced by false intelligence and thus the use remains the same. In the end, the point of contention is that if the tools at hand for the general have only changed in form and not in substance, there is every reason to believe that the current military professional stands to benefit a lot by studying his counterparts from centuries ago. Conclusion Thus, as can be seen, there is still a lot for the current military professional to learn from his predecessors. The reasons are that situations repeat themselves, tactfulness is an attribute that can be readily applied and does not wither with age and the use of the tools at the military disposal remains the same. It can be argued, thus, that the greatest armies of our time will not be those that have the most advanced weaponry but those with the best Generals who happen to know the history of those before them yet alike them. Adam Hart Davis (2007). History: The Definitive Visual Guide from the Dawn of Civilization to the Present Day. London: Dorling Kindersley. Gilbert, M. (2004). The Second World War: A complete History. London: Henry Holt and Co. Sifry, M. Cerf. C. (2007). Iraq War Reader: History, Documents, Opinions. . New york: Simon Schuster
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Freedom of Choice in A Clockwork Orange Essays -- essays research pape
Freedom of Choice In the novel A Clockwork Orange, the author Anthony Burgess tells a story about a young man name Alex and his friends, every night they go around and start committing violent acts. In the novel Alex expresses his freedom of choice between good and evil. The freedom of choice is a decision that every person must make throughout his life in order to guide his actions and to take control of his own future. This Freedom of Choice, no matter what the outcome is, displays person power as an individual, and any efforts to control or influence this choice between good and evil will take way the person free will and enslave him. In this novel the author uses this symbolism through imagery. He shows that through the character of Alex, and the first person narrative point of view to prove that without the ability to choose between good and evil person becomes a slave. In this novel Alex shows his freedom of choice between good and evil, which is that, his superiority over the innocent and the weak. In the beginning of the novel he chooses to be evil, he shows us that by committing violence act like stealing, raping, and also murdering an innocent person which he got arrested for and put into prison for about 12 years. The amount violence he commits shows his abuse of power and his decisions toward evil. The violent acts that are described in this novel are very graphical and are intended to shock the reader but they also show that the suppression of others is wrong, because it is destructive to the natural rights of humans. Alex consistently chooses evil and violence to show his freedom of choice, ?Now I was ready for a bit of twenty-to-one . . . then I cracked this veck" pg 7. Alex beats, rapes, and robs the weak and ... ...lence. This thought is crucial to the reader's understanding of how close the freedom of choice is related to individual power. The demonstration of his free will and his loss of power through the absence of choice is effectively accomplished through the use of first person narration. Throughout this novel, author Anthony Burgess has shown us many aspects of freedom of choice and its abuse. Through strong symbols in imagery, Alex's characterization, and his point of view, the absence of choice is proven as the most overlooked depravation of person individual freedom. In everyone's life, the struggle for power exists in all situations. The decision between good and evil is the freedom that everyone must have as an individual. The choice of which path to take is dependant on the person and the situation, but the realization that both exist is a power unto itself. Freedom of Choice in A Clockwork Orange Essays -- essays research pape Freedom of Choice In the novel A Clockwork Orange, the author Anthony Burgess tells a story about a young man name Alex and his friends, every night they go around and start committing violent acts. In the novel Alex expresses his freedom of choice between good and evil. The freedom of choice is a decision that every person must make throughout his life in order to guide his actions and to take control of his own future. This Freedom of Choice, no matter what the outcome is, displays person power as an individual, and any efforts to control or influence this choice between good and evil will take way the person free will and enslave him. In this novel the author uses this symbolism through imagery. He shows that through the character of Alex, and the first person narrative point of view to prove that without the ability to choose between good and evil person becomes a slave. In this novel Alex shows his freedom of choice between good and evil, which is that, his superiority over the innocent and the weak. In the beginning of the novel he chooses to be evil, he shows us that by committing violence act like stealing, raping, and also murdering an innocent person which he got arrested for and put into prison for about 12 years. The amount violence he commits shows his abuse of power and his decisions toward evil. The violent acts that are described in this novel are very graphical and are intended to shock the reader but they also show that the suppression of others is wrong, because it is destructive to the natural rights of humans. Alex consistently chooses evil and violence to show his freedom of choice, ?Now I was ready for a bit of twenty-to-one . . . then I cracked this veck" pg 7. Alex beats, rapes, and robs the weak and ... ...lence. This thought is crucial to the reader's understanding of how close the freedom of choice is related to individual power. The demonstration of his free will and his loss of power through the absence of choice is effectively accomplished through the use of first person narration. Throughout this novel, author Anthony Burgess has shown us many aspects of freedom of choice and its abuse. Through strong symbols in imagery, Alex's characterization, and his point of view, the absence of choice is proven as the most overlooked depravation of person individual freedom. In everyone's life, the struggle for power exists in all situations. The decision between good and evil is the freedom that everyone must have as an individual. The choice of which path to take is dependant on the person and the situation, but the realization that both exist is a power unto itself.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Broadworth general hospital Essay
For the past 20 years our hospital has contracted all training seminars with your company, your company has been dependable and always gets the job done. In March, we need to train 20 supervisors in the area of Sexual Harassment and Unlawful Discrimination in the workplace. We would like your company Wydade Consulting Services to complete the training for us. The training will take place on the first floor of the hospital room. We would like your trainer Ms. Deb Walker, to teach the seminar. In the past, Ms. Walker has presented a strong and powerful power point presentation followed by a question and answer session. On the day of training we will need the following. Projector Presentation Brochures/handouts Notepads Pens light refreshments Please respond to me as soon as possible with a date MS Walker will be available in March. I can be reached at (598) 597 1234 Thank you Sincerely yours, Karen Lawrence A.A. KL/xx To: Deb Walker CC: Jeremy Dittmer @ Miriam Hopkins Subject: Sexual Harassment and Unlawful Discrimination in the work force Dear Deb: I would like to confirm our arrangements as we previously discussed regarding the seminar which is to be held on March 10 ,2016 at 2:00 . Located on the first floor in room 109 of the hospital you are more than welcome to come early to set up. We will be starting promptly at 2:00, refreshments and snacks will be there at approximately 4:15 to 4:30. If you require further assistance or have any questions, please contact me at (598) 597 1234 or via email at Lawrence.lawrence@ yahoo .com To: Miriam Hopkins, Director of Human Resources From: Karen Lawrence, Administrative Assistant Dec 17, 2012 Subject: Sexual Harassment and Unlawful Discrimination in the workplace We received a confirmation from Jeremy Dittmer regarding the seminar details, the date is March 10, 2016 and the time is 2:00 and has provided the trainer with all the necessary materials. The trainer he has assigned is MS Deb Walker, the seminar will be on the first floor room 109.We will make sure that we will have all the necessary materials. Ms Walker will be providing, pens; paper; pamphlets; follow along booklets. Refreshments such as coffee; tea; water; juice, and snacks will be provided and scheduled for delivery the afternoon of March 10 between 4:15 and 4:30. If you have have questions please don’t hesitate to contact me. You can also contact Deb Walker directly by email at Deb walker@ yahoo .com or by phone at (802) 559 6315 ext. 2206. KL/AA
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Food Truck
Jennifer Collins Ent 1000 3-20-2013 Industry Paper Food Truck vs. Organic Trucks The street food trend has been a growing industry nationwide. According to American City Business Journal of Orlando, Fl. , â€Å"more than 3,000 street vendors made $1. 3 billion in revenue in 2010, a 12. 7% jump from the revenue from the prior year. The average startup cost of a food truck is only about $5,000-50,000 and the yearly profit potential can be anywhere from $100-250,000 per year. The list of costs for startup include fuel, maintenance, business permits, equipment, supplies, insurance, marketing and is still minimal in contrast to the fees required for a stand-alone cafe spot in a busy business area. This is good news. Organic food trucks have almost no competitive market compared to the food trucks that provide fan fair (unhealthy) fast foods. The mobility of this business provides a wider profit gross than a stand-alone brick and mortar business and the flexibility to drive wherever the c ustomers are can be a competitive advantage.I wanted to start an Organic Food truck business first rather than open a small restaurant for a few simple reasons. Startup costs are considerably less, and profit margins can be more. During my research of looking up for sale ads, I found that a used truck right now can be as low as $15,000 or a new one at $30-50,000. According to Forbes. com, I can move towards my market selling in more populated areas, whereas, â€Å"Purchasing a small cafe in my local area with twenty seats, around 2,000 square feet in size can cost upwards of $175- 300,000,†and then I am stuck in the same community for years.The basic food truck concept started way back in 1961 when New York began to regulate vendors selling food from push carts. Mobilecuisine. com- the History of American Food Truck article says, â€Å"Horse drawn chuck wagons started in 1866, sausage vendors sold quick hot foods to students at their dorms at Yale, Harvard and Princeton in 1974 and the first Taco truck in 2008 was regulated to sell food in a highly populated in Los Angeles, California. †The National Restaurant Association said, â€Å"The category tops $630 million in nationwide revenue in 2011. But when first introduced, a regular food truck selling the typical burger, taco or BBQ made about a third of that ten years ago. Currently there is no confirmed market spot for the vegetarian or organic food truck but this area is undefined. In the Western part of the U. S. , vendors who sold Asian, BBQ, or fair food sell the most products compared to the healthy foods that may be sold on a vegetarian or organic cart, yet there is a rise and a need lately in the health food industry with people trying to lose weight and eat better.Working in a health food kitchen for the past two years, I have realized how consumers have few choices in this area of eating out. Having the convenience of a healthy food truck alternative parked in â€Å"your area†is a perfect idea. Certain health risks and disease are on the rise and people love the idea now of having a gluten-free, soy or dairy-free, vegan or locally grown food choice in their own back yard where they can feel good about what they eat. Someone is looking out for them. According to Wikipedia. rg 2013, locally here in downtown Tampa; Mayor Bob Buckhorn organized a monthly food truck rally drawing thousands of coinsures. Saint Pete followed suit in 2011. â€Å"The biggest buyers of foods from mobile vendors are adults age 25-34 spending an average of $44 per month. †In Theresa Ehrlichs online article, she also ads, â€Å"major market area analysis shows that 55% of trucks park at a street corner, other venues or events such as rally’s are 18%, construction work sites 15% and shopping malls contribute to 12% of locations served. Right now, the phenomenon is gained so much buzz, that it’s difficult to accurately track the national sales. Yet as should be a ssumed with any business the first year, there are political, environmental, social-cultural, technological and competitive threats. Upon further analysis of my industry (Industry code #722211 mobile ready to eat pay first food service), and my industries trade associations (mymfva. org. Mobile Food Vendor Association MFVA or The NAC National Association of Concessionaires at naconline. org. , they outline a more extensive overview of the PESTC for further forecasting. POLITICAL: Some of my industries opportunities say that you will not have to purchase a separate kitchen to cook food in, as all the cooking can be done on the truck. There are rumors though, that these laws may change in the near future. Many truck owners may see parking tickets an s apart of an overhead cost. Parking at a free event saves cost of such fees. Permits to operate in the city are often affordable and I already possess a National Food Management License that is required by the state.I’m personally not ready to open a food truck but a few years from now when I am, permits and standards may change. ENVIRONMENTAL: Recently the economic state has plummeted and consumers are watching there money. They may not be able to afford eating out at ritzy cafes. A food truck offers unique food concepts at a more affordable price. Currently 70% of Americans are too busy to cook at home so they eat outside. On the other hand, if food truck owners do not keep up with trends and good locations in local areas to sell, consumers may not be aware of new foods.They would have to keep up with social media and marketing to promote themselves properly. Some vendors say they are using Twitter and Facebook to let customers know which location they will be serving next. SOCIO-CULTURAL: In my own experience with eating from a food truck, I see street vendors as fun and find the process is much like a â€Å"foodie groupie†in the game of searching out the locations where they may be this week. It b ecomes a fun weekend hobby. In the past Trucks were called â€Å"roach coaches. †I suspect that this stereotype deters some people from trying out a food truck.Owners must work extra hard to gain a positive reputation. TECHNILOGICAL: Technology is always changing and the prices increase for such equipment that may be needed to keep up with the times and customer demands. A food truck only has enough room for so much food, storage and equipment which is made to travel as simple as possible. Basic kitchen equipment based off of a standard menu is only required yet there may not be room for high tech registers or credit machines. Most food trucks use â€Å"Square†, with their mobile phone to process credit card payments.You won’t waste time counting cash or change for the customers and it works out just as quickly as any other process. COMPETITIVE: A competitive threat the local community might include a copy cat food truck that would force a new truck to step up his game, but as far as the threats of the environment in a competitive nature, I don’t see a lot. On contrary, the niche of having healthy food services is that it’s probably in no league of high competition with an actual restaurant. Because it’s mobile, this provides a direct link to the customer and find the most profitable areas to work in.If one area isn’t great, they can simply move on. Strengths within the food truck industry of â€Å"ready to eat foods†, I include lower overhead, creative menu options that can be changed, high brand recognition and lower start up costs that would also be affordable to maintain. Opportunities, I feel, are based on the individual business owners’ future goals. Moving into a tourist town where there are few trucks and less competition, offering something unique or replacing a truck spot that has just closed could bring more customers.Rising food costs or lack of expertise in financing or managing could pose as a Weakness. Rising gas prices, traveling expenses and county changes or restrictions could also become a Threat in the food truck business. On a better note, trends right now in the street food vendor industry are growing in our local area and are all the rage in western states. It is a competitive yet fun concept. In my personal opinion, the opportunities out weight the threats in this field so I look forward in learning more and producing a creative aspect to the ideas I already have in place.With the reputation that this concept first started with compared to the revenue its generated in the past recent years, the potential seems profitable enough and worthwhile. Food trucks have been around since 1866 selling ground chuck burgers and sausages but the vegan, vegetarian, organic trend has not been around too long making the potential gross profit almost unknown. I think this concept is a good thing to risk moving forward with. I see it as a win! BIBLIOGRAPHY â€Å"The co st of starting a food truck. †Forbes. com. Web. 27, September. 2012. Investopedia. Anjail, Fluker. Orlando Commisary Forms Association for Food trucks.Orlando American City Business Journal. Web. 14, March. 2012. Myrick, Richard. The history of American Food Trucks. Mobile Cuisine magazine. Take the Cannoli Productions L. L. C. MCM 2010-2013. Web. 2, July, 2010. Theresa, Ehrlich. Best Customers: Demographics of Customer Demand. 2008. Web. SBCC. net Pon, Jackie. 5 Things you should know About Starting Your Own Food Truck. Pbs. org. 2013 WNET. org. Web. 15, October. 2010. Myrick, Richard. Running a Food Truck for Dummies. Dummies. com. 2013 John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Web. Wikipedia. com. Food trucks in Tampa. 14 February 2013. Web.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Predator Prey Lab Report Essay Example
Predator Prey Lab Report Essay Example Predator Prey Lab Report Paper Predator Prey Lab Report Paper Essay Topic: Catching Fire The Bean Eaters An adaptation aids survival by either decreasing a preys chance of being eaten, or y increasing a predators chance of obtaining food to survive and reproduce. Predators must fight for food. They face density-independent factors which are factors that limit resources, but they cannot be controlled; an example would be bad weather or wildfires. Density-dependent factors are things that can be controlled such as the amount of competition in an environment. For example, if a preys traits allow it to run faster, the predator must also have the characteristics to allow it to run fast enough to catch its prey. Many people confuse adoptions with evolution, but they are not the same. Adoptions are changes in an animal that happen in one generation, while evolution occurs over many generations (Modern Biology, 2006). Charles Darwin had a theory that was the opposite of adaptations. Charles Darnings theory of natural selection was basically survival of the fittest. When organisms reproduce and exceed the carrying capacity, the competition in the environment increases. Because of this, some organisms will not survive (Theory of Natural Selection). It was then that Darwin realized those organisms who were most suited for the environment were the ones who will live on and produce (Darnings Theory of Evolution). For example, picture two birds in an environment. One bird has a long beak and the other has a short beak. The bird with the long beak is able to reach into the holes in the ground and eat the seeds, but the other cannot. The bird populations with the long beaks will be able to survive and reproduce while the population of birds with the short beaks will thin out and eventually go extinct (Modern Biology, 2006). Problem: Which predators will be able to survive and reproduce based on their characteristics, adaptations to the environment, density-dependent factors such s competition for food, and density-independent factors such as bad weather or wild fires? Hypothesis: The spoon will be the predator that survives, reproduces, and dominates the population. If there is a competition between predators over a prey, then the spoon will easily be able to use its bowl-like shape to easily scoop up the prey. If the prey is hidden in the grass, then the spoon will be able to slide through the grass and scoop up any prey hiding. Materials: . 300 pieces of corn 2. 300 pieces of black beans 3. 300 pieces of lima beans 4. 100 pieces of pinto beans 5. Plastic forks with one tongue removed (Broken Forks) . Plastic forks 7. Small plastic knives 8. Plastic spoons 9. Tweezers (forceps) 10. A grass field approximately 15 meters square or a carpeted area about the same size. 11. Styrofoam 6-8 oz. Cups 12. Stop watch Procedures: 1. Distribute 100 pieces of corn, lima beans, and black beans onto the field. 2. Divide the class into 5 groups that are as close to equal as possible. . Give each member of one group forks, of another group spoons, of another group broken forks, of another group knives, and the last group forceps. (If there are no forceps available, the lab can be demonstrated with only 4 groups. 4. Every student gets a Styrofoam cup. 5. Instruct the students that they are individual predators with structural variations. The beans and the corn are the prey. The prey must be picked up with the feeding mechanism (forks, knives, spoons, broken forks, and forceps) and placed in the model mouth (cup). No scraping or pushing of the prey in the mouth is allowed the cup may not touch the ground area. The predators may, however, dash in and pick up any prey being pursued by another predator. Do not hesitate to intrude, any hungry natural predator would not. Hunting time will be 5 minutes. When the teacher or the wildfire comes around and touches any of the students, they must step out of the playing area for fifteen seconds. When told to stop, each student will tally up his kills. If a predator is in the process of capturing a prey when told to stop, he must drop it. 6. Repeat this process for each generation and make the proper adjustments required for each. 7. At the end of the lab, share your data with the class and add up the number of prey killed. Observations: In certain parts of the field, the grass was very tall and the prey that were in that area were very difficult to find. Because of this many predators ignored the grassy areas which caused a lot of competition for prey in the other areas of the field. Certain prey such as the corn was easily concealed in the grass because of its small size. However, in the dirt area, the color of the corn really made it stand out. Therefore, the spoon population was able to reproduce while the other populations began to thin out because they were not as well adapted to the environment, and they were not able to reproduce. Their populations decreased steadily and we can infer that they will eventually go extinct. Fig. 5 shows predator consumption. This graph corresponds to the Predator Population graph. In both graphs the spoon population increases while the others decrease steadily. Again, this is because the spoons were well adapted to the environment and they were able to get more food and reproduce. Another reason was the fact that when some predators starved to death or consumed fewer than five preys they became part of the spoon population. This was done to show how populations that cannot get enough food die off, and those who can continue to live and reproduce. It proves the theory of natural selection. Fig. 6 shows the population of prey. In all cases except for the lima beans, the populations increased. This is because the lima beans were the easiest prey to catch and all the redactors went after them in the first generation. Their population immediately decreased at a drastic level. Because of this, no more lima beans were thrown on the field to show they were no longer able to reproduce. However, for the second generation, the black beans and the corn population increased by one- hundred. This is because there were enough of them left to reproduce. In the third generation you see the corn population increase by one-hundred once again. This is because they were able to reproduce again. However, the black bean population did not increase, but a pinto bean population started at one- hundred. This was because the pinto beans were an invasive species and took over the black bean population. This caused the black beans to not be able to reproduce and their population size stayed the same. Conclusion: This lab was done to show how natural selection affects a predator-prey relationship. Only the strong and most adapted species can survive. The hypothesis was correct because the spoon population was the most adapted and over time became the dominate population. The spoon population was best adapted because it was able to easily scoop up and hiding prey and it was able to scoop up the prey easily in a competition. The spoons were the best adapted at capturing prey as well. The knife and broken fork populations went extinct because they were not well adapted to the environment or catching prey. It can also be inferred that all but the spoon population will also go extinct because they are declining steadily. In human examples, men are able to adapt to the heat by air condition and water. They can adapt to the cold by wearing heavy clothing and heaters. There should be funding to continue to save certain species because there are many species that cannot fend for themselves, but they are incredibly important to the environment. Letting natural selection wee out these species could cause great harm to humans and other animal. Reproduction allowed the spoon population to grow and dominate. It also allowed the corn survive and provide food for the predators. In this lab the experimental group was the predator and prey populations decreasing and increasing based on natural selection. The control variables was the area because it was not tested, as well as the time, and the fact that when you died you became part of the spoon population. The independent variables were the changes in population and prey consumption for each generation.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Analysis of Tyrells Potatio Chips business
Analysis of Tyrells Potatio Chips business The team of the Tyrrell potato chips is very passionate about growing potatoes and turning them into delicious chips. Having travelled the world in the last nineties in search of the perfect potato chips production method and equipments. Therefore later on the equipment and methods were brought to Tyrrell’s court farm and launched a product that would be Britain’s best loved â€Å"premium†snack product. The main objective of the Tyrrell’s potato chips was to get closer to the customers. Therefore as a result Tyrrell potato chips developed a more sophisticated chip. He mainly cut the potatoes thicker so that it retained more potato flavor. Due to this the final product was very different from other products and therefore the customers were happy to pay a premium price for a superior quality and a better tasting product. Since the launch of Tyrrell potato chips in 2002, it has built over 4000 customers. They include independent retail customers and many pr estigious food retailers. Therefore Will Chase continues to evolve his dream and remain devoted to develop the Tyrrell’s brand using his Herefordshire farm. What advice would you offer Will Chase, the owner of â€Å"Tyrrell’s chips†, as to how to develop and grow its customer base amongst customers from higher social grades, without either changing or losing the perception of its product coming from a Herefordshire farmer. With reference to: 2010 11:30am customer base is defined as: The customer base is the group of customer and/or consumers that a business serves. In the most situations, a large part of this group is made up of repeat customers with a high ratio of purchase over time. These customers are the main source of consumer spending. In many cases, the customer base is considered the business’s target market, where customer behaviors are well understood through market research or past experience. All act ions the company takes would be through consideration of its customer base. Companies with a customer base consisting mainly of large companies may increase their customer base by pursuing small and mid-size companies Businesses in war zones may temporarily expand their customer base to include military personnel, but ongoing violence can drive away a local customer base. The advice offered by me to Will Chase will be based on three main points i.e.: Maintaining company’s image Customer relationship management (CRM) Emphasis on core benefits of unique selling proposition (USP) Maintaining company’s image means that whatever action is taken by the members of the company it should make sure it gives a rise to the company’s name and not a fall. The company’s image can be maintained by considering the 4p’s of marketing, the 4p’s of marketing are as follows: product, price, place and promotion. Customer relationship management (CRM) is the overal l process of building and maintaining profitable customer relationships by delivering superior customer value and satisfaction. Unique selling proposition (USP) is a marketing concept that was first proposed as a theory to explain a pattern among successful advertising campaigns of the early 1940s. It states that such campaigns made unique propositions to the customer and that this convinced them to switch brands. The term was invented by Rosser Reeves of Ted Bates & Company. Today the term is used in other fields or just casually to refer to any aspect of an. object that differentiates it from similar objects
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Leadership Traits - Donald Trump Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Leadership Traits - Donald Trump - Assignment Example In 1981, he bought the Trump Plaza in New York City and in 1982, bought a weekend estate in Greenwich, Connecticut. In 1983, the construction of Trump Tower was completed and USFL New Jersey Generals was acquired. In 1984, Trump opened Harrah’s at Trump Plaza Casino in Atlantic City. Trump bought Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida in 1985. In 1987 came the New York Times best seller â€Å"Trump: The Art of the Deal.†The later years continued with more and more acquisition, and the group’s entry into the TV (Wooten, 2008, pp.106-110). Leadership Traits American scholar Warren Bennis has identified four basic ingredients in every great leader. The first basic quality is guiding vision or management of attention. The leader must have a clear idea of what he or she wants to achieve. He must show courage to face the tough reality. The second quality is communicating the vision. The leader is there to communicate his passions to his people and it will bring hope and inspiration. Passion generally appears as enthusiasm. Again, people should not buy into every exciting idea; there should be a great deal of quality. The next thing is integrity which is the combination of self-knowledge, candor, and maturity. Leader must know his strengths and weaknesses, and must have clear idea about what he wants to do and the reason behind that. These three ingredients combine with a fourth ingredient – management of self. There should be mix of â€Å"curiosity and daring†with integrity. Leaders should be open to new ideas, willing to take risks, and try new things (Bennis, 2009, pp. 204-05, Bennis, 2010, p. 20). Now one may look at Trump’s leadership style in the light of Bennis’ four ingredients. Vision In Trump on Entrepreneurship, Trump says, â€Å"Entrepreneurship...History is full of famous leaders with extraordinary lives. From George Washington to John F. Kennedy, from Bill Gates to Donald Trump, the list is much diver sified. Here, this paper will focus on the life and leadership traits of Donald Trump, the â€Å"Real Estate Tycoon†in the light of Bennis’ competency criteria. Early History Donald Trump was born in Queens, New York on 14th June, 1946. He was the part of a demographic change which would later be known as â€Å"Baby Boom†. His father, Fred Trump, was a contractor in the housing market and operated in the Brooklyn and Queens boroughs. Fred was a highly successful businessman and was one of the richest persons in Queens (Payment, 2007, pp.1-5). Young Trump had his own way of doing things. He had a forceful personality from his childhood. In his 2nd grade, he punched the music teacher on his face. Trump was of the view that the teacher didn’t understand what he was saying. For this misbehavior, he was almost expelled from the school. In his book ‘Trump: The Art of the Deal’, he admits this fact by saying that it was not a proud moment. At 13, Donald was sent to New York Military Academy to improve upon his behavior (Payment, 2007, pp. 6-10 & 12). Donald Trump graduated in 1968 from the University of Pennsylvania (Wharton School of Finance) with a degree in economics. Trump got the passion for construction business from his father. His father knew almost all the processes of construction business. So, after completing his graduation, he continued with his life-long passion of constructing buildings (Wooten, 2008, pp. 20-23).
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